Find your Dream Job

How To Land Your Dream Job

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We spend the majority of our adult life working – which means it’s important that we find a career that is both stimulating and fulfilling. After all, you’ll find your day much easier if you’re also having fun while working and actively pursuing your dream career. Despite this, just 43% of US adults have landed their dream job, with many believing that this kind of career is simply unattainable. 

While your dream job may have become more practical since you were a child (not everyone can have a career as a princess, for example), you must have the faith within yourself to continue dreaming. Don’t let fear stand in the way of your goals – as there are plenty of steps you can take to make your dreams a reality. 

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to land your dream job

Be willing to work from the ground up

If pursuing your dream career requires you to change careers entirely, then you need to be willing to start from the ground up. In many cases, this might mean taking on a low-ranking position, even if you have previously taken on a more significant role. However, you should also make sure you harness your expertise and demonstrate transferable skills that will help you to climb the ranks quickly. For example, leadership and delegation skills could help you attain a managerial position. 

Seek out the right training opportunities

Training courses are often the best route to take if you are taking on a significant career change – as they provide you with the knowledge and insight you need to tackle the job at hand. However, you must do plenty of research ahead of time to ensure you’re taking on the kind of training opportunities that will open doors for you in the future. For example, if you want to become an RV technician, you should look for RV technician training that combines hands-on experience with industry-specific knowledge, such as the training program offered by Blue Moon Mobile RV. This course is particularly useful as it also ensures you earn a salary while training, so you don’t have to sacrifice your financial situation to pursue your dream job

Rework your resume

Your resume is your chance to get the foot in the door, as it helps to paint a picture of who you are and how you will fit into the role you are applying for. However, you should not send the exact same resume to every job you apply for. In fact, you should tailor your resume to the job description, making sure you tick all of the boxes in one way or another. Keep an eye out for keywords featured in the description and ensure they appear somewhere in your resume or cover letter. This is particularly important as some jobs will use screening software to seek out these words/phrases and discard applications without it, even if you’re a good fit for the role. 

While your dream job may have become more practical since you were a child (not everyone can have a career as a princess, for example), you must have the faith within yourself to continue dreaming. Don’t let fear stand in the way of your goalsClick To Tweet

Brush up on your interview skills

If you want to secure the job of your dreams, then you’re going to need to master the job interview, especially if they are considering several candidates for the position. Thankfully, there are various ways you can achieve this goal – many of which simply revolve around preparing ahead of time. For example, you should research the company and role ahead of time so that you can talk about why you will be a good fit. You can then refer to your previous experiences or qualifications and how they will support you in these duties. You should also ensure that you have some pre-prepared answers for common interview questions


Stay motivated

Finding a new job can take its toll on your mental health, with 73% of job seekers reporting feeling high levels of stress every day. As a result, it’s crucial that you stay motivated on your course to your dream job if you want to succeed. Remember your long-term goals, and understand that sometimes it takes a little work and perseverance for it to become a reality. If you find that you are getting rejection after rejection, try to look into the reasons you aren’t getting hired. For example, you might need to be flexible in your learning and sign up for some classes or check your CV for basic errors and mistakes. Alternatively, you might want to consult with a careers advisor who can help you get on the right path. But no matter what, stay focused and continue to believe in yourself.

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