Create a Killer Resume and Cover Letter

Digital Strategies To Get Noticed Without Posting Your Resume

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You’ve got great skills and an appealing resume format to stand out.  You are already more likely to end up on top of a recruiter’s pile. 

But more and more professionals can land their dream job without having to apply for it. Being visible and noticeable online for your expertise can streamline the whole application process. It’s not uncommon for experts to be offered a consulting role within a business. In fact, some companies are willing to create a unique role for experts they can’t afford to miss. 

As a job applicant, this means 2 things:

  1. You are not competing against other applicants for the role.
  2. You have already proven your skillsets BEFORE the interview. 

So, how can you build a digital presence that gets you noticed by businesses in your field? 

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Share your expertise on a blog

Take inspiration from experts such as urban real estate developer, Paul Ognibene, who shares his knowledge and opinions on an eponym blog. Creating a blog that showcases your knowledge about the field is a fantastic way to get noticed. You can react to current trends and innovation in your industry sector, explaining how you feel they would benefit or hinder businesses. Additionally, reacting to trends makes your blog relevant. It is worth considering keyword choices such as long-tail phrases that provide achievable ranking opportunities. For instance, as a digital marketer, you can discuss how the latest Google algorithms affect rankings. 

Be a proactive helper on forums and social media

Your blog needs time to gain momentum and visitors. So, in the meantime, you can reach out to public platforms to help other users. Social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit are a fantastic place to start. You can address users’ queries and help them troubleshoot their strategies or processes. As those forums are public, you can gradually build up your reputation as an expert. Additionally, you can also create specialist content for knowledge base websites such as Hubspot. Appearing on reputable sources will get your name noticed. 

Publish how-to guides

If you work in a high-tech field, why not share some of your tricks with an audience. Software developers, for instance, can use video tutorials to guide beginners through coding programs or to explain how to debug a program. Video tutorials need some editing, such as breaking down each step and adding writing content and symbols to facilitate comprehension for your viewers. You can also share step-by-step guidelines and templates that can be fully downloadable.  

Being visible and noticeable online for your expertise can streamline the whole application process. It’s not uncommon for experts to be offered a consulting role within a business.Click To Tweet

Start networking on social media

Twitter is a fantastic platform for professional networking. Unlike Linkedin that can sometimes be too formal, Twitter enables users to interact more naturally and ask questions they wouldn’t otherwise ask. Creating lists of influencers and keeping in touch with businesses and headhunters can help you make sense of your feeds. It also means that you can react rapidly when you spot new trends. As you gather followers, you are more likely to hear about new opportunities or get contacted by headhunters

Being seen and being remembered are two different things. Your resume can attract the attention of recruiters. But your digital presence can appeal to businesses. Displaying your expertise via self-generated content and answering users’ questions can establish your reputation as an expert. Combined with social media networking, you can establish a solid online presence.

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