Career Advice

How to Make Yourself Memorable at Work

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It’s not what you know; it’s who you know. That’s what they say anyway — and it’s hard to disagree. While you’ll always get to the top if you’re a genius, if you’re like most people, then you’ll need to have something about you if you’re going to stand out from the crowd. Remember that opportunities come to people who put themselves in a position to receive them! In order to do that, you’ll want to work on making yourself memorable. In this blog, we’re going to look at a few tried and tested methods for doing just that.


Remember that opportunities come to people who put themselves in a position to receive them! In order to do that, you’ll want to work on making yourself memorable. In this blog, we’re going to look at a few tried and tested methods for doing just that.Click To Tweet

Introduce Yourself

You can’t expect to be memorable if no one knows who you are. As such, it’s important that you take the time to introduce yourself to other people at your company. Of course, this will be easier if you’re new to the office, but even if it’s been a few months, don’t worry about stepping up. You’ll find that people are receptive to meeting you, even if you’ve been a pretty peripheral figure so far. And you never know what might just come from opening your mouth and saying ‘hello.’

Share Your Opinion

Of course, it’s not as if you’ll want to just be in the background, making up the numbers. It’s not enough that people know your name. They’ll need to know what you think. If you’re one of those people that always hold back from sharing their opinion, take a look at ways to get more confidence and share your thoughts. Just remember that it’s important that you know what you’re talking about — if you don’t, then it’s best to simply listen. But if you have something valuable to offer, then say it. It’s unlikely that you’ll be afforded a platform to speak. You’ve got to force it through! 

Organize a Fun Day

There’s only so memorable you can be when you’re just talking at the water cooler and things like that. To really stand out, you could look at organizing a day that’ll live long in the memory. For example, what about a fun run, bowling trip, or soccer tournament? This is a great way to show your colleagues what you’re all about. You can make it extra fun by finding a good venue and providing a fun run, bowling, or soccer medals (depending on what you do). It’ll allow you to show your colleagues another side of you, too, away from the professional environment. 

“Having a plan is one of the first steps to advancing your career. You’ll need to set yourself some goals and figure out what you actually want to achieve. If you have no direction, then you won’t be able to reach your goals so make sure to plan this carefully. Figure out what you are missing and write a plan about how you can develop those skills or reach your goals to get a promotion.” – Ways to Advance Your Career

Deliver the Goods

Finally, remember that while there are plenty of ways to stand out from the crowd and make sure people remember your name, it won’t count for all that much if you’re not delivering the goods. No one likes someone that’s all talk — they also need to be a hard worker who makes a valuable contribution to the company. So first and foremost, make sure you’re going out of your way to be the best employee that you can be. If you do that, then people will remember who you are.

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