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Earn While You Learn: Best Online Jobs for College Students

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Students these days struggle with various challenges, including more responsibilities, hectic schedules, and tons of distractions. Those joining college for the first time expect a triangle that includes social life, decent grades, and adequate sleep. In truth, there exist many challenges in the lives of students that make it impossible to enjoy life in totality.

Many students choose to terminate their studies before graduation because of financial hardships. The good news is that it is very possible to live a decent life on campus if you get a part-time job. Just make sure that your work life does not interfere with the main reason you are in college — to study. In this article, we look at some flexible career options to consider when still in college.

What to Consider Before Getting a Part-Time Job

As has been indicated, the main reason why you are in college is to study and graduate. However, getting a part-time job not only gets you some much-needed cash but also allows you to build your resume for the future. Consider these factors when searching for a gig to supplement your income.

It is never too early to start building your resume. When selecting the ideal job to do on a part-time basis, consider its relevance to your intended career. The experience you get will be valuable when applying for your first job after graduation.Click To Tweet

Location of the Job

Since you will have tons of assignments to complete and classes to prioritize, the location of your job is very important, understand that finding a job that can be accessed with ease will also impact your reliability as an employee. When you have a car, your choice of possibilities can widen. However, consider work that is close proximity to the college, or that does not require commuting.

Flexibility of the Schedule

When searching for an ideal job, consider that you will still need to prioritize your academic commitments. Choose work with flexible schedules, where your responsibilities can be planned around your academic timetable. There are jobs that require you to work on shifts or during weekends. Choose those shifts that you can manage.


Is your intention to work for experience and passion? Of course, certain roles provide both experience and remuneration, and they are often the most ideal. Look for gigs that are both fun to do, while offering the additional income you need.

Career Applicability

It is never too early to start building your resume. When selecting the ideal job to do on a part-time basis, consider its relevance to your intended career. The experience you get will be valuable when applying for your first job after graduation. Of course, you may find that sometimes you have to sacrifice remuneration to land the ideal part-time job that offers career relevance.

Online Jobs That College Students Should Consider

As has been indicated, when selecting the perfect gig, pay attention to what you like, as well as the compensation offered and its relevance to your career ambitions. Here are some interesting jobs that offer flexibility for college students.

Working as a Freelance Writer

Freelance writing is an impressive gig that continues to grow in terms of popularity. If you have confidence in your writing skills, there are plenty of opportunities to use your abilities for additional income. You can write SEO website content, create scripts for videos and plays, or even help students with assignments. Many students are going online with requests like “do my programming homework” and the pay is often impressive. You could charge about $50 or more for an article of about 1,500 words.

Getting a Job as a Freelance Editor

Other than freelance writing, editing, and proofreading are other online work options. You could work sprucing up books, articles, essays, and other forms of written work. Experienced online editors charge between $350 and $500 to finetune short books. A good starting point when in college is to help by editing assignments for fellow students. With some experience, you can brand yourself and create a profile online for freelancing jobs.

Freelancing as a Graphic Designer

Graphic design has always been in high demand. If you have skills in this field, you can get work creating things as simple as logos and brochures. There are also gigs creating illustrations for blogs, magazines, and websites. People who do graphic design often charge an hourly rate of about $30. Things can be even better for you if you are already enrolled in a graphic design course as you will benefit in terms of practical experience.

There are many part-time jobs that people still on campus can consider. There are online options like graphic and web design. However, you can also consider traditional options like babysitting, pet care, and waiting tables at restaurants. Whatever job you choose, make sure that you always prioritize your studies.

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