Career Advice

5 Time-Saving Tech Tips for College Students

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College can be one of the most exciting and transformational times in your life, but the workload can be daunting. The good news is, technology is transforming the way students learn and providing tools that make the process easier. You can keep textbooks on your computer instead of lugging them around all day, and you can keep your notes ready across devices whenever you need them. Programs like OneLaunch Chromium help keep your computer organized so you can access your most-used items in a flash. Here are five time-saving tech tips that will make your college experience even better.

College can be one of the most exciting and transformational times in your life, but the workload can be daunting. The good news is, technology is transforming the way students learn and providing tools that make the process easier.Click To Tweet

1. Use Compatible Software

Using software from the same family often makes your work run more smoothly. Microsoft office is a common choice, but cloud-based applications like Google Docs are becoming a popular selection for students as they are free and easy to use. Whatever you use, try to keep it in the same group, and it will save you headaches when transferring and uploading files.

2. Get a Password Manager

Your school, email, note software, and all types of other tools require passwords that can be hard to keep up with. Since it is recommended that you use as many different passwords as possible, a password manager is an excellent choice for keeping your passwords organized without having to guess on every site. Many browsers have password managers built-in, but you should consider using an external manager that you can access outside of your browser across multiple devices.

3. Store Your Documents in the Cloud

If you run into computer problems or need to use a different device to access your files, you’ll be happy you stored them in the cloud instead of locally. This will help tremendously if you need to use a library computer, forget your laptop at home when you’re on a deadline, or realize your submission didn’t go through. There are tons of different cloud-based services, and some even offer small amounts of storage for free.

4. Try a Citation Tool

You will often need to cite sources for essays and research papers, and a citation tool can make this process a lot easier. You can simply copy and paste links from articles online, and it will fill in the source information and organize them depending on the style you have to use for your class or concentration. You can make different citation lists when working on various projects for different classes, too.

5. Buy E-Textbooks

Electronic textbooks have made taking notes so much easier, not to mention they are much easier to carry around. You can use your phone, tablet, or computer to access them and highlight whatever passages you need to use, as well as take notes. It’s also easier to copy and paste valuable sections to your research list for use when writing.

Being a college student doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you use the tips above. Technology has made being a student so much easier, and if you take advantage of these tools, you’ll be on your way to graduating with honors.

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