Create a Killer Resume and Cover Letter

A Simple Guide to Building the Perfect Resume

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Last Updated on February 14, 2025

Recruiters get hundreds of resumes and spend an average of 6 seconds deciding whether to read the entire resume.  If your resume does not grab their attention in the first few seconds, it will be thrown in the trash heap.

What This Article Covers

  • How Recruiters Evaluate Resumes: Learn why recruiters spend only a few seconds reviewing resumes and what makes yours stand out.
  • Resume Formatting and Design: Understand the importance of presentation, layout, and avoiding common design mistakes.
  • Essential Resume Sections: Discover the must-have sections, including skills, education, work history, and achievements.
  • Creating a Keyword-Optimized Resume: Find out how to use relevant industry keywords to get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Choosing the Right Resume Format: Learn about chronological, functional, hybrid, and targeted resume formats and when to use them.
  • How to Showcase Relevant Experience: Explore best practices for highlighting work history, skills, and achievements to match job descriptions.
  • Building a Resume with No Experience: Get tips for crafting a strong resume if you’re a recent graduate or changing careers.
  • Why You Need Multiple Resumes: Understand the benefits of tailoring your resume for different industries, roles, or career changes.
Recruiters spend just seconds scanning resumes—will yours stand out or get tossed? Learn how to craft a polished, keyword-rich resume that grabs attention and lands interviews. Don't miss these expert tips! #ResumeTipsClick To Tweet

Finding the perfect resume

Recruiters are tasked with finding the perfect resume for whatever job opportunities they are working on.  Hiring managers depend on recruiters to send only the most qualified candidates.

Recruiters eliminate resumes based on content and appearance. If they are poorly formatted, too short, or really ugly, content almost doesn’t matter.

Likewise, any resume with spelling or grammatical errors or that was not an exact fit will be eliminated.

By the end of the process, recruiters have only a handful of candidates. Was it possible that they missed the most qualified person because they eliminated all the ugly resumes?

Absolutely. That’s why presentation, format, and content are all equally important.

You’ve probably heard hundreds of times that your resume is the most important document in your job search (because it is). But if you want to stand out, you need more than a great-looking resume. In the end, only qualified candidates will get called for an interview.

There are five simple steps to creating the perfect resume. Let’s get started.

Step One: Gathering Your Information

As with all successful endeavors, thoughtful planning will make for a great resume. Take the time to collect all of the content for your resume before you start writing. This includes:

A Summary of Your Skills and Objective

Make a list of all of your skills. This includes computer skills and other skills related to your industry (like accounting Pronouncements, medical procedures, etc.). Your skills list should include your hard skills (skills you can teach) and your soft skills (interpersonal skills).

List as many skills as you can think of. The list can be adjusted as needed when you build your resume. Where you put your skills section on your resume depends much on the format.


You should gather the key facts about your education (especially if you have an advanced degree). List the name of the university/college, degree program, years attended, and any honors (such as Dean’s List).

Other key facts may be appropriate, such as GPA, clubs and extracurricular activities, special courses, awards, and other important facts that will help your resume stand out.

If you’ve not yet finished your degree, you should still put it on your resume and list how many credits have been completed and the expected graduation date.

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03/28/2025 11:54 am GMT

Work history

Your work history is the “meat” of your resume.  You will need the company name, position(s) held, and dates you worked at each job. You will also want to make a quick list of achievements and specific responsibilities. We will go deeper into this later.


This is mentioned above in the Work History section but the topic deserves some special focus.  Hiring managers will not only want to know that you’ve got the experience for the job, but they will also want to know that you can “get it done”.  Nothing shows this better than listing your achievements. Add facts like “automated X process and saved the company $100,000” to the extent possible.

Extracurricular Activities and Hobbies

Employers want to know what you do in your spare time. This topic spans both what you did during your college years and other activities you are involved with. This includes charity work/organizations, clubs (only appropriate clubs), additional languages you may speak, sports, etc.

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It’s All in the Format

Several years ago, a friend of mine was out of work due to the the company he worked for going bankrupt. He had tons of experience and felt he would quickly land another job. One of the things that he was particularly proud of was his resume. He thought that he had the best format, amazing content, and all of the hot keywords to get the attention of the right people. Using a resume maker can also help with this.

You know what? He was wrong.

Working with an executive recruiter who helped him redraft his resume over a very painful four days, my friend wound up with an amazing resume. An important lesson to be learned: have an open mind and listen to the people who are out there every day.

You’ve collected all of the information needed to put your resume together. Now’s the time to think about the format. Don’t worry about structure yet; we will get to that. There is a lot to think about, so let’s get to it.

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03/28/2025 01:23 pm GMT


Contact Information – Pretty obvious – Your name, address, telephone number and email address

Your Headline – Take a look at – How to Write a Resume Headline  for tips on adding a title to your resume

Objective -Your career goal and what you want out of a job – Tailor Your Resume Objective

Skills – What are you good at, and why should someone hire you? You should list the skills that will help market your strengths. Top Skills You Need On Your Resume

Work History / Experience – This is where you will list the work history you collected from Lesson 1. Take a look at some formats – Resume Experience Section Example

Your resume (otherwise on the bottom). In terms of what you will list –

  • Degree (BS, BA, AA, MBA, etc.)
  • Major (Finance, Economics, History, etc.)
  • Year graduated (or expected graduation date)
  • Name of the School
  • Location
  • GPA (depends on how well you did and when you graduated)
  • Honors (Dean’s List, Honor Society, etc.)

Types of  formats

There are tons of resume formats. Here are some of the most popular.

Chronological – This format is exactly what the name suggests – listing your experience and history in reverse chronological order – Sample Chronological Resume

Functional – This format highlights your skills and experience – Sample Functional Resume

Hybrid – Sometimes called a combination resume, this format lists your skills and experience followed by your work history – Sample Combination Resume

Targeted resume – This format is generally used when you are applying for a specific job or role – Targeted Resume Sample

Styling Your Resume

I remember when my son got his first complicated Lego set. It was one of those really large boxes of Legos, and I’m sure it was some type of spaceship.

He wanted me to help him put it together, so we decided to do it in pieces. You know how it is with Legos: You have a picture of the “finished” product but no real set of instructions.

Many of the pieces look the same when you look at a picture of them, and it’s not until you have half of the thing built that you realize the last piece that you need was used somewhere else. Now, you have to take the whole thing apart to get to the piece you need.

Putting a resume together is much the same. You have a picture of the finished product (in the case, the format), and all of the pieces, but no real step-by-step instructions for putting the whole thing together. Lesson 3 is all about putting the pieces of your resume together.

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Font & Type

You don’t want to use any font or type that will make your resume look particularly unusual unless you are in advertising, marketing, or applying for another creative job. It’s essential that your resume makes a great first impression, and using a resume font people can read will make it pleasurable to review your resume.

Spacing & Margins

Margins of 1/2 inch to 1 inch are fine generally. Use single spacing with a blank line between sections.

Videos Resumes versus Print Resumes

Visual resumes have been around for a while. They’ve not grown in popularity as expected, but they are still used and have a purpose. Typed resumes are rarely exciting, so you will surely be remembered if you send a video resume.

If you take the time to make a video, there’s a good chance they will watch it. A video resume is more interesting and unusual, which will set you apart from the crowd.

Ordering Sections for Your Resume

Contact Information

This is the easy part, and it should be easy to find. Your contact information always goes at the top of your resume, and your name and title should be prominent on the page. | All-in-One Solution to Elevate Every Step in Your Career

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What are you good at, and why should someone hire you? You should list the skills that will help market your strengths—figuring out which of those skills you should include can be challenging. Start by identifying two of the biggest (and proudest) projects you’ve worked on. Then, think about the biggest challenges you faced during those projects.

What did you have to do to overcome those challenges? What steps did you take to overcome those obstacles?

Did you write those down? Good, because those are the skills you need to highlight. Moving on.

Work History

The standard method of organizing your work history on a resume is in reverse chronological order. This means that your first listing should be your current or most recent job. Then, include other jobs going backward in order.

Strong verbs are the best way to bring life to your past work experience. If you can, include metrics such as sales numbers, employees managed, etc.

How far back should you go? You don’t need to go back in time for over 15 years. The 2 years you spent clearing tables at 20 isn’t going to help you land a copying writing job at 35.

Put it Together

Put all of your sections together, and you are set to go. 

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It’s About the Content

In today’s competitive job market, having the right resume content is essential to grabbing attention and securing interviews. A well-optimized resume with relevant keywords, key skills, and industry-specific experience increases your chances of passing applicant tracking systems (ATS) and impressing hiring managers. Highlighting your expertise with clear, concise language helps showcase your qualifications effectively, making your resume stand out in a crowded field.


Do you need keywords? Absolutely. Keywords help demonstrate your level of experience and accomplishments.

Hiring managers will recognize industry-specific keywords to help get an interview. Additionally, many hiring managers (or their recruiters) leverage keyword searches to find the best candidates for the job.  The right keywords on your resume are a key part (no pun intended) of any great resume.

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03/28/2025 12:29 pm GMT

Where to start?

  • Review job listings for your title/position and make a list of keywords used
  • Review resume samples for your industry for keywords
  • Visit trade industry sites for your field
  • The following links should help you find and leverage the best keywords for your career and resume.

Relevant Skills

You won’t get an interview if you don’t have relevant skills, even if you have relevant experience. Of course, the skills depend on your field, but looking at examples in your industry and other industries is worthwhile.

Soft skills are just as important as professional skills – like thinking analytically and communicating with team members. Even if you aren’t applying for a leadership role, employees who can successfully interact with colleagues and collaborate with others are great to have on board.

Relevant Experience

This, of course, is your job experience demonstrating that you have worked in similar roles. If, for example, you are applying for a job as a bookkeeper, you would list prior experience and highlight accounting and bookkeeping responsibilities in each job.

The best approach is to:

  • Create a draft document and list out your job experience with an employer
  • Segregate relevant jobs/responsibilities from other jobs/responsibilities
  • Create a list of responsibilities by an employer
  • Create a list of accomplishments by an employer
  • Take the information gathered above and create your relevant experience section.

I’m a big believer in “follow by example,” and it’s usually easier to follow something that’s been done before to create your document.

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No Experience

We haven’t covered how to construct a resume for someone without experience. Maybe you’ve just graduated from school or are changing industries. This is, of course, more difficult, and the focus should be on entry-level jobs.  There are many things you can do:

  • Include jobs you held while in school (even if not relevant)
  • Include volunteer work you’ve done
  • Include any internships
  • Activities while in college (sports, clubs, etc.)
  • Special training and certification

You Need More Than One Resume…Sorry

Have you ever had a Recruiter call you about a position that would be ideal for you, and although you have the experience, your resume does not emphasize that experience enough?

Or maybe you’ve worked in several industries and want to focus on one industry.

While one resume version, what I call a “general” or “generic” resume, works well for some people, many people should have multiple versions.

You may need (and should have) multiple resume versions for many reasons. Remember, too much of a good thing might be too much. Balance how many resumes you need with where you will get the most value.

Multiple Industries

Maybe you’ve worked in several different industries but in similar roles. Let’s say, for example, you are an accountant who worked at an aircraft manufacturer but also worked at an automobile manufacturer. You’ve decided to find a new job but want to focus on aircraft manufacturing.

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03/28/2025 08:47 am GMT

New Industry

Using the example from above, perhaps you would like to work for a company that manufactures satellites. You need to re-write your resume to focus on the skills relevant to your new industry.

Different Roles

Let’s say you have a lot of experience but have worked in different roles in your career. While you would be open to any of these roles in a new company, you may need resume versions focusing on one of these roles.

Career Change

Maybe you want to do something completely different than prior jobs. Maybe you’ve just graduated with a new (but different) degree/training. Whatever the reason, you need to have a version of your resume that focuses mostly on the skills required in the new career.

Which Version is Best for You

There are several types of versions you can have, depending on your needs and the purpose:

What You Do

Focusing on the type of role/position you want as your new job drives the focus of this resume. If you have worked in marketing and sales but want to focus on the marketing side, then your resume should be functionally designed focusing on your marketing skills.

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Where You Work

Maybe it’s not about what you do but where you do it (your industry).  In that case, you will want your resume to focus on industry versus role-specific skills. This is still considered a skills-based resume (like the one above), just different skills focus.

Keeping Track

 Okay, you’ve got these great multiple resumes. Now, you just need to keep track of which one you’ve sent to whom. If you read our post on using, you will know that most sites allow you to upload your resume.

A few will allow you to upload multiple documents and resumes. Most of these are company career sites, not search engines. There are a few platforms like Huntr, or you can use a good old-fashioned spreadsheet, like the free Google Docs spreadsheet app.

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