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How to Find Your Dream Job

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Being in the wrong job is never fun. However, perhaps the most worrying of problems is when you don’t even know what job you want to be in. As time goes on, it might feel like your prospects of finding the career for you are sinking and time is running out. That’s not necessarily true, but it can be an immediate relief when the light switch finally flicks and the answer is right in front of you. We’re going to look at places you might be able to find that answer.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Your passion

It might not exactly be out of the blue but sometimes looking at your passion for a career might seem like it’s somewhat impractical at first glance. Especially if your passion is for something creative. However, it pays to remind yourself that there are people who share that exact same passion and who spend every day of their lives working on it as part of their career. It’s true that the number of creative people in creative jobs compared to those that aren’t might seem like a small number. But the greatest difference between those who make it in a creative career is the fact that they’re willing to treat it as a job, not just a hobby, and will put the work in not only their craft but how they can make money from it.

But the greatest difference between those who make it in a creative career is the fact that they’re willing to treat it as a job, not just a hobby, and will put the work in not only their craft but how they can make money from it.

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Your mind

Some people don’t really have a passion for a particular vocation and that’s okay. Instead, they might find that their passion is for a certain kind of work. They might find they’re the empathetic person who’s best suited to jobs that have them dealing with people on a daily basis. They might find that they’re natural problem solvers and that it doesn’t matter what kind of analysis they’re doing and the solutions they’re providing so long as they have a problem to solve. The trick is finding out what your personality type is. Once you understand what kind of stimuli you respond to and what kind of work you do best with, finding the career to match your personality type can be easy.


Your values

You might not be driven by a specific kind of work or a passion to produce or do something particular. Rather, there are people who are truly driven by the values they want to see in the world and, honestly, there’s a shortage of people like that needed in lots of industries. If it’s a religious faith that drives you, then working in religious roles such as teaching religious studies or working as a healthcare chaplain might give you just the career fulfillment you’re looking for.

Otherwise, there might be some cause that you’re particularly motivated by, and nonprofits or corporate organizations aligned with those goals that could use your help. Spiritual fulfillment isn’t the first thing that a lot of career-minded people consider, but it can be one of the most personally satisfying aspects of a job.</p

“Staying motivated when you have a goal can be tough, especially if that goal seems far away. If your goal is to land the job of your dreams, you’ll often have to spend months, or even years attempting to get to where you want to be. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it! If it was easy, wouldn’t everybody be going out there and picking and choosing what they wanted? Where would the fun in that be? Enjoying your journey, the contrast in it, and learning from it is one of the best ways to improve your life!” – Staying Motivated On a Course To Your Dream Job

Your past

It’s always worth taking a look at the experiences you’ve had in the past, too. A lot of people have trouble divorcing the work they’ve done from the workplace they’ve been in for example. You might have very well-loved the role but hated the job. If that’s the case, then you can look into other industries and other work environments you might recreate that role but to more positive results. You can even take control of it yourself and begin freelancing your way to a career as your own boss doing the work you love in the way that fits you personally.

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When you’re looking for direction in your career, it’s worth considering that the right answer might be out there but you just haven’t found the right place to look for it yet. Stretch your legs and take a step outside your comfort zone. You can go to informational interviews, for instance, that give you a chance to speak to professionals about what it’s like to work in their industry. You can visit networking events such as job fairs and spend time entertaining ideas that you might never have properly considered before. Or you can ask your friends and family and ask them about their careers. You never know where inspiration is going to strike but you’re more likely to find it if you actively look for it.

Once you know where you need to work, don’t accept compromises. Plot out what education you’ll need, and what skills you should focus on, and start networking and getting in touch with the industry. It will be hard work, but once you have your sights set, nothing else will do. - Home of most advanced job coach

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