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Turn Your Volunteer Role Into a Full-Time Job

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Volunteering is an excellent avenue to securing a permanent job. Although volunteering is purposefully for giving back to the community or serving a cause you are passionate about, nothing stops you from using it to improve your job search and secure a permanent job. With hard work, passion, patience, and showing that you are capable, you could turn your volunteer position into a permanent one with a salary.

Benefits of Volunteering

  • Builds Experience: Volunteering provides hands-on experience in various fields, allowing you to gain practical skills and knowledge that are invaluable for your career development.
  • Enhances Your Resume: Including volunteer work on your resume shows employers that you are proactive, community-minded, and capable of managing multiple responsibilities.
  • Expands Your Network: Volunteering connects you with professionals and peers in your industry, providing opportunities for networking and potential job referrals.
  • Develops New Skills: Engaging in volunteer activities allows you to learn and develop new skills that may be outside your usual job scope, making you more versatile. | All-in-One Solution to Elevate Every Step in Your Career

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  • Improves Soft Skills: Volunteering helps improve essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are highly valued by employers.
  • Boosts Confidence: Successfully contributing to volunteer projects can boost your self-confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
  • Shows Commitment: Consistent volunteer work demonstrates your commitment and dedication to causes you care about, which can positively influence potential employers.
  • Offers Career Exploration: Volunteering in different roles allows you to explore various career paths and industries, helping you make more informed career decisions.
  • Provides References: Supervisors and colleagues from your volunteer work can serve as professional references, offering credible endorsements for your skills and character.
  • Gives Back to the Community: Volunteering not only benefits your career but also allows you to make a positive impact in your community, enhancing your fulfillment.
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Why you should consider volunteering

Volunteering can help you advance your job search and career in several ways. First off, find a volunteer position that will enable you to learn new skills. If you need to polish some skills you already possess, find a position that will ensure that you practice those skills. Besides these, volunteering can give you a better idea of how an industry works if you consider a career change.

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But before you decide to volunteer, first consider the organization or what causes you support. Choosing an organization you like will make your experience enjoyable and push you to do your best. For example, if you love to be around and help older people, you might want to work at an assisted living facility.

Here are some feasible tips to help you turn your volunteering into a permanent job.

Be straightforward

Right from the start, be honest and straightforward about your desire to be a permanent salaried employee of the organization. Letting the volunteer manager know your intentions from the first day allows them to begin to assess your capabilities. Once they begin to keep tabs on you, you will be considered if such a position becomes available in the future.

Offer your time

Patience is vital to turn your volunteerism into a job, and there are several considerations to be made. If you are working for a non-profit, these considerations could even be more due to possible budget constraints. However, just continue putting in the work and making the right connections.

Show your passion

Let your passion drive you to do the job. You may have to wait a while before getting a formal employment offer. So, in the meantime, your passion will be your ace in the hole. You will undoubtedly get noticed by the organization’s right people when your passion shows through your work.

Exhibit professionalism

Even though you are volunteering, it is also a valued job, and you should treat it as such. Respect the working conditions and follow all rules and regulations. Take your position seriously and execute all tasks assigned to you with absolute professionalism.

Build bridges

Build relationships and interact with a lot of people in the organization. This will help you expand your network in the organization and allow you to take on more responsibility to showcase your skills

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Learn the culture

Often, hiring managers like to hire people who are already conversant with the organization’s culture, and working there gives you that advantage. Coupled with your hard work, dedication, and passion, if a spot opens up in a position that you qualify for, that makes you a shoo-in for the role. So, learn as much of the organizational culture and practice it.

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