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Last Updated on September 28, 2024
Getting a job isn’t easy, especially as there are possibly hundreds of other people applying for the same roles. The job market is competitive, and you need to stand out from the crowd to succeed. But how do you do it? You may think you are doing all the right things, from writing a fantastic
So, if you are constantly being overlooked for the latest job roles, here are five things you can do to secure your next position.
1. Don’t apply for every job on the market
There are loads of jobs on the market, but they won’t all be right for you, no matter how desperately you need employment. Instead, focus on applying for only a few. Not only will you suffer less disappointment by not applying for roles that are not ideal for you, but you will also have more time to focus on the application for those jobs that are a better match. This includes writing a personalized
2. Focus on training
There is little point in applying for jobs that you don’t have the necessary skills and qualifications for. Always look at the job description, and don’t apply for anything that is above your current level. No matter how excited you are about the role you are applying for, your application form and resume will be rejected if there is no evidence of what the employer is looking for. If you are underqualified for a position, make every effort to get the relevant
For a greater chance of success, think about
3. Form relationships
You have probably heard the saying, ‘It’s not what you know but who you know.’ This may be a bit of a cliché, but there is truth here. If you can name-drop a relevant person in your application or interview, you may make the employer sit up and take notice. Alternatively, speak to people you know in the industry you are considering, and they may be able to open doors to you that may otherwise be closed. Speak to family, friends, and your legion of ‘friends’ on social media. You should also speak to former tutors from your
4. Be wary of your online presence
Social media is great for keeping in touch with people and sharing news and pictures of your personal life. However, it may also be a massive hindrance when you are trying to secure a job role. Future employers may Google your name to try and find the real you, so if you have anything embarrassing online, such as those pictures at your friend’s stag-do, you won’t be making a great impression. Try and remove what you can, and adjust your privacy settings, so the employer doesn’t see anything incriminating.
5. Create a portfolio
Most people send out a resume or application form for a job, but very few take the time to create a portfolio, whether it’s something online, or in the form of a physical folder. The portfolio should showcase anything that makes you stand out. This includes examples of your best work, recommendations from others, and achievements from your personal and professional life that will give you a step up in the job market. It will take you time to prepare, but the employer will be impressed that you have made an effort to take that extra step, and it may take you beyond the interview process.
Bottom line
Getting a job takes time and effort and you will suffer more than a few knockbacks. However, follow our advice, and you should find greater success when applying for jobs in the future. We wish you the best of luck!