Career Advice

The Great Job Migration: How To Be Ready For Your Next Job

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As we inch closer to the end of the year, people are starting to think about things they’d like to change and the type of resolution they plan on making at the New Year’s end. 

Typically, resolutions don’t stick. There are numerous reasons for that fact, from unrealistic resolutions, the resolutions aren’t specific enough, or that they are to prevent negative behaviors without considering positive actions to change behaviors.

Regardless of your resolution, the point is to make a positive change and eliminate a negative from your life. 

For some, it may be to start exercising, changing diets, or other personal health. 

For others, the resolution may be to do self-improvement on their mental health and social interactions. 

For others still, changing jobs and employment may be the change they seek. 

The idea of changing jobs has gained steam over the past year-plus. There are various reasons for the interest in changing jobs, from social upheaval, increased food and other items, pandemic, and more. 

Working from remote locations has gained steam as well. In fact, approximately 25% of the workforce is planning to work from home (or remotely) permanently. 

The workforce disruption has continued in other sectors that don’t offer work-from-home options. For example, the month of September saw a record 4.4 million people quit their jobs in the month. 

There are plenty of reasons for this record trend, but what is stark is that in-person jobs that don’t allow for remote options are the ones with the highest level of people quitting. 

Another critical factor is that while schools are back in session, childcare is still volatile for many parents. 

Prices for after-school programs and private programs have increased at a rate that is more than wages increased, making many families decide it is more cost-effective to have someone stay-at-home than have two earners. 

This quitting trend flies in the face of jobs growth that was reported as 5 million new jobs in October. 

Between the movement of people leaving their jobs and the increase of new jobs indicates that the leverage from employer to employee has switched and will continue to be assets employees have for the foreseeable future. 

Hiring (And Pre-Hiring) Checklist

Before you apply for a job, and definitely after a verbal agreement has come to fruition, getting all your employment ducks in a row is crucial for an excellent start to the new job. In order, you want to have a resume and references when you apply. 

Then, after you go through the interview process, having any additional documents prepared is a crucial second step. 

Once you get hired, there is a swath of documents and other paperwork that will need to be completed before working. Those may include personal information documents, tax withholdings, and more. 

The idea of changing jobs has gained steam over the past year-plus. There are various reasons for the interest in changing jobs, from social upheaval, increased food and other items, pandemic, and more. Click To Tweet


Putting together your resume that highlights relevant experiences and education is crucial to have your resume stand out. 

There are several different thoughts on the ultimate resume, but consider it from the hiring manager’s perspective. Your resume may be one of the hundreds to review, so brevity is a good idea. Only list the most important and relevant items and keep the resume (including personal information and accolades) to one page. 


Having your references in order can be make-or-break as the hiring personnel conducts background on you. 

Part of having your references in order is to let your contact know what you applied for and include them. Nobody enjoys being surprised and caught off guard when a hiring manager calls for a good connection. Preparing your references will help them make you sparkle. 

Identification Verification

Personal identification from a driver’s license to a social security card or birth certificate may be essential ahead of any potential hiring.

If you aren’t sure where your personal identification is, asking for a replacement birth certificate or social security card may take some time, so it’s best to get those documents before looking at a job change.

Tax Registration

What is the total number of withholdings you want, and would you rather have a larger monthly paycheck with tax implications at the end of the year, or would you prefer a larger tax refund, if eligible? Having your tax situation decided before accepting a new job is an important step to take. 


Some businesses offer additional benefits and other inclusive aspects of the new job and exploring the benefits and other aspects of the job are expected. 

Ideally, these benefits, job roles, and expectations are best to have in writing and ask for time to review before signing and agreeing to the contracts.

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