Find your Dream Job

Positive Steps to Take When You’re Turned Down for Your Dream Job

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When you are turned down for that dream job you have been working towards and hoping to get for so long, it can be tempting to throw in the towel, give up and stop dreaming altogether, but doing so means that you will never live the life you truly want to, and anyway, who says you only get one shot at that dream career move anyway?

If you remain positive and keep your head in the game, there is every chance that you will succeed eventually. With that in mind, here are some positive steps to take when you’re turned down for your dream job:

Focus on the fact you got an interview

you know what, the fact that you even got asked to interview for your dream job shows you that you do have the skills that it takes to get there one day otherwise you would not even have made it past the first hurdle.

If it’s your dream job, chances are it was a ton of other people’s too, and the fact you didn’t get it is perhaps not so surprising when you think about how many other applicants there must have been. So, don’t let one knock-back ruin your future chances.

Seek feedback

Asking for feedback on why you were not selected for the role can be really valuable. It can tell you what you did right and what areas you need to improve on whether that be learning how to express yourself more effectively so you can be seen as managerial material or learning new coding languages so you can keep up with best practices in your chosen industry. The more you know, the better you can do.

When you are turned down for that dream job you have been working towards and hoping to get for so long, it can be tempting to throw in the towel, give up and stop dreaming altogether. Remain positive and keep your head in the game.Click To Tweet

Start searching

As soon as you get given a no from an application, get back on the horse and start looking for more roles where you can use your accelerated flight training to take to the skies and live your best life or where you can use your animal psychology degree to spend all day caring for animals because you know what? Your dream job is unlikely to be a one-or-the-kind deal and the sooner you start looking for more opportunities, the sooner you can start working your dream job in the end.

Keep learning

The more qualified you are for the job you want to do, the more likely it is that your application WILL be successful next time. So, instead of wallowing, start looking for new courses you can study to give you a greater competitive edge and do something proactive instead. You’ll feel so much better if you do.

Keep believing

You will never get your dream job if you don’t believe you can, so even if you have been turned down this time, remind yourself of all the skills and qualities you have that would make you a great fit for your dream job and keep believing it is possible because you know what? It probably is.

By taking positive steps instead of wallowing in self-pity, you can stay on course and land that dream job after all. Believe in yourself!

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