Nail the Interview

Ace Your Next Interview: Key Success Strategies

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Your work has paid off, and you have a job interview, but are you prepared? Many people think they can “wing it” at an interview without any preparation, but very few people can pull this off. There are thousands of articles on this topic, but the basic points are generally the same. There are several types of interviews: initial interviews with recruiters, telephone interviews, “in-person” interviews, and final round interviews. Some of the basic interview tips are:

Basic Interview Tips

  • Research the Company: Spend time understanding the company’s mission, values, and products or services. This knowledge will help you tailor your responses to their specific context and demonstrate your genuine interest.
  • Practice Common Interview Questions: Prepare answers for frequently asked interview questions such as “Tell me about yourself,” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” and “Why do you want this job?” This preparation helps convey confidence and clarity.
  • Dress Appropriately: Choose an outfit that is professional and suits the company culture. Being well-dressed shows respect for the interviewer and demonstrates your seriousness about the position.
  • Arrive on Time: Plan to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early. This shows punctuality and respect for the interviewer’s time and allows you a moment to relax and prepare mentally.
  • Bring Necessary Documents: Have copies of your resume, a list of references, and any other required documents neatly organized and ready to hand over if asked. This shows organization and preparedness.
  • Exhibit Positive Body Language: Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, sit up straight, and smile. Positive body language conveys confidence and enthusiasm for the role.
  • Listen Carefully: Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions and comments. Listening actively shows your interest in the position and ensures your responses are well-targeted.
  • Ask Insightful Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions about the role, team, company culture, or company goals. Asking questions demonstrates your interest in the job and company.
  • Follow-up: Send a personalized thank-you email within 24 hours of the interview. Express your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.
  • Reflect on the Interview: Afterward, take time to reflect on what went well and areas for improvement. This reflection is crucial for personal growth and preparing for future interviews.

Be Prepared – Research the company before the interview

There are many resources you can use to get a better understanding of the company’s products and markets. It is easier to do this with public companies, but you can find information on almost any company these days.

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There is an excellent chance that the company has a listing on LinkedIn.  Take a look and find out all you can. You will most certainly find current and former employees on LinkedIn who may be linked to someone you know (see below).

Talk to the People You Know

Maybe you know someone (or know someone who knows someone) who currently works at the company (or maybe worked there at some point).  Leverage LinkedIn for this as well.

Talk to Your Recruiter

Recruiters are eager for you to land the job. Engage with them by discussing your background in detail and inquiring about any specific information or insights that could be crucial for the interview. This open communication not only demonstrates your enthusiasm and readiness but also helps tailor your preparation to meet the job’s unique requirements. Building a rapport with recruiters can significantly enhance your chances of success by providing you with valuable advice and guidance tailored to your prospective role.

Know Your Interviewer

Knowing something about who is interviewing you would be a plus. Take a look at their work history, schools, majors, etc. (LinkedIn is a great resource for this). This will help you find some common areas of interest as well as get a better understanding of the individual.

Know Your Resume

Sounds basic, but make sure you know everything on your resume (you’d be surprised about the points you may forget). Review your resume before the interview and focus on those areas that are aligned with the role. It’s never too late to check one more time for typographical errors on your resume.  Lastly, bring a copy of your resume with you.

Review Potential Interviewer Questions

Explore both the most frequently asked and the more unique questions posed by interviewers, and understand how to respond effectively. Numerous lists of interview questions are available for review, offering insights into what you might anticipate. Prepare for challenging queries, such as “What are your salary requirements?” and “Why did you leave your last job?” to navigate your interview with confidence.

Prepare Your Questions

Be prepared to ask a range of questions during the interview. Have a comprehensive list in case the interviewer answers some of your questions before you’ve had the chance to ask some of them. You will want a wide range of interview topic questions, such as company culture, how success is measured, challenges is it a new role or existing, etc. Take a look at Questions to Ask at an Interview.

Know the Job Description

Study the job description and be prepared to convince the interviewer why you are the perfect person for the job.  Make sure you understand all aspects (there is nothing worse than not fully knowing the details of the job for which you are being interviewed.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Identify your strengths and areas for improvement, and be ready to articulate them clearly during your interview. Prepare to discuss your skills and experiences that directly align with the job description, showcasing how your unique capabilities make you the ideal candidate for the position. This approach not only demonstrates self-awareness but also allows you to present yourself as a well-prepared and thoughtful applicant, tailor-made for the role you’re applying for.

Common Reasons Interviews Fail

You think you’ve done everything right but you are just not getting any job offers. The following list includes some of the most common reasons people fail in an interview:

  • Failure to read background material on interview techniques
  • Not knowing the answers to common interview questions
  • Not dressing properly
  • Chewing gum during the interview
  • Arriving late (or arriving too early)
  • Not knowing the details of their resume
  • Discussing compensation requirements without being asked the question
  • Saying that you are “rushed for time”
  • Displaying a negative attitude or generally being negative about your current employee
  • Vague interview answers
  • Wearing too much perfume or aftershave
  • Forgetting the name of the interviewer
  • Lying about your skills or experience
  • Lying about your education
  • Yawning (get plenty of sleep)
  • Not making eye contact or making too much

Other Resources

  1. Job Search Coach - Land Your Dream Job!

    Resume review, cover letters, and interview preparation. Learn about the critical mistakes you may be making in your resume and cover letters. Find out how to fix it and start getting job interviews.

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  2. How To Ace Your Phone Interview

    If you don’t get invited to interview, you got screened out of the job. This book will keep you from getting screened out and consistently put you on the short list of candidates who get to interview in person.

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  3. Control the Conversation: How to Charm, Deflect and Defend Your Position Through Any Line of Questioning
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    In Control the Conversation, the authors guide you in crafting a response to a question, not just an answer. A response should be multi-dimensional and include relevant and compelling information that goes beyond a mere answer.

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  4. Interview Questions - Job Interview ! Learn How to Job Interview
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  5. 60 Seconds and You're Hired!: Revised Edition
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    60 Seconds & You're Hired! has already helped thousands of job seekers get their dream jobs by excelling in crucial interviews. America's top job search expert Robin Ryan draws on her 20 years as a career counselor.
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  6. What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview
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  7. Secrets from a Recruiter

    Are you fed up with being unemployed or not having the job you deserve? This book is exactly what you’re looking for! Get great tips and best practices for the modern job seeker STRAIGHT FROM A RECRUITING INSIDER with years of experience at one of the largest professional recruiting companies in the world. 

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  8. Job Interview Tips for Overcoming Red Flags: Winning Strategies, Examples, and Short Stories for People With Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
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  9. 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire
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  10. 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions
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  11. When Can You Start? Ace the Job Interview and Get Hired, Third Edition
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  12. Mastering Virtual Interview: How to prepare for online interview

    This book is all about how best to nail the online virtual interview for jobs. On perusing the book, you will be knowing how to prepare for online interview and how to deliver, for in the end, employer would like to hire you.

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  13. 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions
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    No matter how good you look, how much research you've done, or how perfectly your qualifications match the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the toughest interview questions, you won't get the job.

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  14. 101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again

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