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Finalize Your Job Hunt: The Ultimate Plan Checklist

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Even with the best intentions, launching your search without a well-executed strategy may lead to pursuing countless leads without deriving any substantial benefits.

In Lesson # 1 – Planning for Your Job Search, we discussed the first three steps in starting our plan. Lesson #2 will cover the remaining lists and documents needed to complete your job search plan. Future lessons will go into greater detail

Job Search Documents:

Cover Letters:

Rediscover the crucial role of the cover letter, an often overlooked aspect of job applications. This vital document serves as your introduction and can dramatically affect whether or not your resume gets attention. Even the most polished resume showcasing impressive experience can be overlooked without a well-crafted cover letter. In today’s competitive job market marked by high unemployment and limited vacancies, hiring managers are becoming increasingly selective. Faced with a deluge of applications, they may only have time to glance at your cover letter before deciding whether to explore your resume further.

Thank You Notes:

While it may seem trivial to some, Thank You notes or emails hold great significance in the hiring process. Some hiring managers might dismiss a candidate outright if they don’t receive one. Therefore, it’s generally advisable to always send a Thank You note post-interview.

The benefits of this simple act are twofold. Primarily, it provides an opportunity to express your gratitude to the interviewer(s) for their time. More importantly, it showcases your interest in the role, reaffirms your attentiveness during the discussion, and emphasizes the perfect alignment between the job’s requirements and your capabilities.

While a Thank You note template might serve as a helpful starting point, each message should be personalized. It should reflect the individual you’re addressing, the topics discussed during the interview, and the specific job requirements, and your qualifications.

While you may have all good intentions in launching your search, a poorly executed plan (or no plan at all) will most likely have you chasing hundreds of leads without any real benefit.Click To Tweet

The Rest of Your Lists:

The remaining items on your list form the backbone of your job search action plan, detailing who you’ll reach out to, the platforms you’ll use for your search, and the individuals you can rely on for compelling references.

Your Network (list):

Networking holds a paramount position in your job hunt toolkit, second only to your resume. It empowers you to build meaningful connections with professionals across various companies and locations within your industry. The broader your network, the higher your chances of uncovering potential job openings. Even if reaching out to people through calls or emails isn’t your forte or makes you uncomfortable, you can still master the art of effective networking.

Your Network action plans should look something like this:

  • Step 1 – Review and update your profile on your Network (LinkedIn should be one of your primary network sites).
  • Step 2 – Review your network. Add people you know who can help with your search and reconnect with those already in your network.
  • Step 3 – Create a list of your contacts who are employed at companies where you aspire to work, those who have influential connections that could open doors for you, or seasoned professionals capable of providing invaluable career advice and job search guidance.

Recruiter List:

Most recruiters maintain trusted relationships with hiring managers, often serving as reliable sources of quality candidates. Therefore, a curated list of reputable recruiters specializing in your industry can significantly enhance your job search. While adhering to the maxim that more is often better in a job search, it doesn’t imply that you need hundreds of recruiters. Select a few that best align with your career aspirations and add them to your trusted recruiter list.

Job Search Boards:

Tread carefully here, it is so easy to get caught up in spending 100% of your job Linkedin’s job search feature should probably be one of your three.  More on how best to leverage job search boards in future lessons. Some resources on how to pick the best job search sites for you:


Creating a list of references should be a straightforward task. While it may seem like a later-stage requirement, some recruiters and HR personnel request this information upfront. Ensure that all your references, typically about five, are informed and willing to give positive testimonials about you – this is of utmost importance.

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10/22/2024 09:44 am GMT

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