Find your Dream Job

How to Find Your Dream Job

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We’re taught from a young age that we need to excel in school so we can get into college. From there, we’re told to work hard so we can get hired for a job that pays well, offers a 401K and health insurance. In theory, the above sounds pretty straightforward. After all, everyone needs a job that pays the bills, right?

The problem is, a lot of people take the job they think they should have, not the one they really want. Whether you’re already actively working or just getting ready to join the workforce, you deserve to do a job you love, not one you loathe. Here’s how to turn your dream job into a reality.

Explore the Options

This phase is all about zeroing in on what you really love to do and then finding or creating a job that lets you do it. You would think this would be the easiest step, but for many, it’s the most difficult. Since all of your passions might not lucrative as a career, take the time to identify the skills that you can make profitable.

Whether you’re already actively working or just getting ready to join the workforce, you deserve to do a job you love, not one you loathe. Here’s how to turn your dream job into a reality.Click To Tweet

It doesn’t need to align with what you’re currently doing for work. Think about the life you want to live, how much money you need to support that lifestyle and whether you want to work for someone else or be your own boss. Know that your answers aren’t set in stone. At this point, you’re simply thinking about the life you want to lead. Use this time as an opportunity to weigh all of your options.


Once you have a general idea of what you want to do, you can then start researching ways to make that a reality. You might even feel relieved that you’ve finally honed in on your dream job and can now start laying the foundation for success. To make the research process easier, you can break it down into steps:

  • Look at current job trends with respect to availability, salary and most importantly, satisfaction. You can find a lot of valuable information on Glassdoor.
  • Network with like-minded people. Look for meetups where you can talk to others already working the job you want. Be honest and ask them how their level of job satisfaction. If they’re employed by someone, ask about the work culture. If they’re self-employed, inquire about any hardships they might have encountered along the way.
  • Head over to LinkedIn and join online groups in your chosen niche. Since most people are happy to share the good, the bad and even the ugly parts of their career choice, you can use their experiences as a stepping stone.

Be Proactive

Once you determine how to move forward towards your dream job, it’s time to take action. If you choose to work for yourself, you need to set up a home office. Being successful starts with having the right tools at your disposal. Create a space that boosts productivity and provides comfort. Since creating an office space can be costly, you should consider taking out a personal loan from a private lender. Bootstrapping your own business can leave a dent in your wallet, so having the extra money from a personal loan is a huge plus. You can pay for your home office and still have a small cushion left in the bank.

You might also want to brush up on your skills or learn new ones. Whether you work for yourself or take an in-house position, education is key. While there are plenty of free or affordable resources online, you might want to go back to school as well. Investing in yourself puts you one step closer to living the life you want.

If you’re planning on working for someone else, your resume needs to shine. Make your resume aligns with the job you’re applying for. If you haven’t had the chance to update your resume in a while, it’s a good idea to do so now. Add any certifications you’ve earned and any transferrable skills you think are important.

It’s also important to speak with your current boss about your career goals. Be honest about what you’re hoping to achieve. If your dream job is within your company, they might help you land that position. If not, you still need to tell them you’re looking to take that next step. It’s up to you whether you feel comfortable enough to speak with them prior to applying to other companies. It’s also okay to wait until you are offered a new position before giving notice.

Set Realistic Goals

Probably the most important thing you can do is be realistic. Setting unrealistic goals and being hard on yourself when you don’t reach them is worst form of self-sabotage. Your dream job is obtainable, even if it takes a little longer than expected.

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