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How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

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Every thriving business has a great workforce behind it- people that are motivated, committed, trustworthy, and hardworking and who can ensure that the daily tasks are completed to the highest standard. If you’re new to business and want to improve your chances of succeeding, getting the right staff on board is one area to focus on. But how do you attract (and keep) the best employees for your business? Here are a few ideas!

Offer Good Employee Benefits

You will, of course, want to offer a competitive salary since this will be the first and main thing people will be looking at when considering working for your business. But good employee benefits on top of this will make your company an attractive place to work and can help to set you apart from your competitors, therefore attracting the best potential workers.

Employee benefits are things like health and life insurance, disability plans, pension, and retirement packages. You could even consider offering extras such as a company smartphone, laptop, or car depending on the kinds of things your employees will need to best do their job.

If you’re new to business and want to improve your chances of succeeding, getting the right staff on board is one area to really focus on.

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Organize Welcome Gifts

Being a new employee at a workplace can be tough, and it can take a while for new workers to get into the swing of things. To boost productivity and help them to settle in quicker, why not put together a thoughtful welcome pack? This could include things like a mug, some office supplies, and a selection of desk snacks- it’s easy and inexpensive to do as the boss and it can help them to settle quickly and feel valued as a new member of the team.

Set Up a Good Office Space

Since the office is where your workers will be spending most of their time, a nice space can help them feel happy and motivated. Take note of psychologists, they have shown that daylight can boost productivity levels as well as mood, so you could position desks close to windows. Living plants can also boost productivity, so dot them around on desks and around the office. Good quality equipment such as powerful computers will allow employees to do their job quickly and efficiently without being held back and slowed down.

Don’t Overlook Team Building Activities

For the good of the company, your employees should work well together as a team as well as individually. Good communication and trust are essential for this, so in the recruitment and interview stage try to find people who have been shown to work well in groups and teams in previous roles. You could also invest in team-building activities for your staff too, there are lots of companies out there who host fun team-building activities that you can book for a day or a few days.

Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Exercises That Get Results in Just 15 Minutes
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 Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers addresses the problems that drag down group productivity and helps teams:

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07/27/2024 02:26 am GMT

Keep an Eye Out For Bullying, Harassment, and Safety

Bullying and harassment can cause low morale, slowed productivity and high staff turnover rate since people will quit a job if they’re unhappy with the environment. Employees aren’t likely to stick around if they’re experiencing unacceptable behavior from other team members. If you have a lot of workers coming and going in your company then this could be something to look in to, it could be going on and no one feels able to speak up about it. Enforce a no-bullying policy, you could set up a system where people can anonymously report issues that crop up without fear of backlash.

PeopleWork: The Human Touch in Workplace Safety
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Workplace safety is failing. Despite better procedures now in place on the job, people are still getting hurt. The problem lies in our thinking. We must shift the focus from rules to relationships.

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07/27/2024 06:46 am GMT

As the boss, you are also responsible for your employees’ health and safety, make sure these laws are followed to the letter. Workers can claim medical expenses, lost earnings, and disability benefits when things go wrong so you will need to look after them for your sake and theirs. Make sure you are fully insured too, to stop you from ending up out of pocket if a claim is made.

Listen to Your Workers

Research into workplace attitudes has found that being a boss that’s kind to staff and approachable means employees will be more likely to come to you with issues while still respecting you as the leader. Take on board the things your staff have to say, it builds trust between you and them and means you will find out about issues from lack of productivity to bullying and more early on. Being hard on your employees and being a harsh boss doesn’t lead to better productivity. Something to bear in mind as the boss.

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