Career Advice

How to Help Your Employees Cope With Different Workplace Transitions

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From time to time, both negative and positive changes occur in the workplace. Whereas change is inevitable and often even necessary, it can also be disruptive. It may take some time for your employees to adapt to it and if it is not handled well, their productivity may be affected.

In light of this, it is advisable to help your staff cope with various workplace changes. A little guidance and support go a long way in maintaining a cohesive team and honing individual talents as well. That said, change is never constant and therefore you can only handle each scenario as it arises.

Let us take a look at some transitions and how you can navigate them:

Changes in Leadership

Managers and other leaders in the workplace can be compared to pilots. They can keep things cruising smoothly or send the whole place hurtling down to destruction. This may be why a new boss in the building tends to induce anxiety.

Aim to hire individuals that are a good fit for the work culture of your business. When a new leader’s approach is too radical and against the established culture, it may negatively affect morale. It is not that they need to be timid but more that they are able to read the room and maneuver it well.

Guidance and support go a long way in maintaining a cohesive team and honing individual talents as well. That said, change is never constant and therefore you can only handle each scenario as it arises.Click To Tweet


Employees work themselves to the bone trying to get a leg up to the corner office. They beat deadlines, exceed sales targets, and acquire new skills all to make themselves eligible for higher positions. However, they often do not fully grasp the amount of responsibility and challenges that come with promotions.

Consider having a mentorship system in place to mitigate such situations. Encourage those in senior positions to not just supervise their juniors but to also take the time to teach them. It would nurture talent and provide support to promoted staff.

Automation and System Changes

With each passing day, technology inventions surpass our wildest imaginations. There is, however, no objection that modern gadgets and applications improve the way we do business. It is only natural that as innovation occurs, you may have to make some system changes.

In order for new systems to benefit your business, your staff has to understand how they work.

Without proper training, the whole endeavor may be counterproductive and result in losses. To this end, it would be prudent to avail them of learning materials and training opportunities. It is also important that you are patient with them as they navigate the learning curve.

Further, automation is often associated with redundancies and subsequent job loss. Consider equipping your employees to transition to other tasks when their jobs are taken over by technology. Take, for example, that you have invested in an EVS Scara robot for pick and place tasks. You could assign the staff that used to perform that task to quality inspection instead of terminating their contracts.


Job loss is the infamous boogeyman of the workplace. The thought of it brings on a chill for most employees. Besides the gravity of losing a source of income, termination from a job is also riddled with feelings of failure. Suffice to say, it can be a depressing experience. Yet, sometimes it is simply inevitable.

Make an effort to carry out terminations in a manner that is dignified and kind. Unless the situation is volatile or too adversarial, a meeting would be a good approach. It allows the employee to face the news in private without feeling humiliated in the presence of others. Berating and dismissing a staff member publicly is unprofessional and in bad taste.

Major Life Events

If nothing else, Covid-19 has served to remind us that we are all vulnerable in one way or another. Sickness, death, births, and weddings are all major life events that permeate all facets of our lives no matter how professional we are. They affect how we function and relate.


As workplaces slowly re-open, there are likely going to be some empty desks and chairs. Colleagues who once occupied them having either been slain by Covid-19 or impacted severely in other ways. Even as you strive to get your business back on its feet, ensure that your staff has as much support as they need. Lead with empathy and thoughtfulness.


After many years of service, retirement is meant to come as a reprieve. However, it can also be fraught with feelings of loss and uncertainty. Retiring employees may be worried about their future financial stability as well as the foreign idea of not working. On the other hand, your firm would also be losing a member that possibly has a wealth of experience and skill.

It is possible to make retirement easy for both your business and your staff. Send off packages, for example, are a great way to assuage financial worries. You could also explore the possibility of having a consulting relationship with retiring employees if they are open to it. They can also be of great benefit as mentors.


In most cases, workplaces are busy high-strung environments. It may thus seem indulgent to take the time to think of how employees are coping through various scenarios. Unfortunately, such an aloof approach will only yield you a poorly performing business and an acrimonious workplace. Choose instead to invest in the well-being of your employees, it is the cornerstone of success for any enterprise.

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