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The Right Experience
Everyone needs a job to make money. If you are someone who is able-bodied and raring to go, having a job is something you’ve thought about a lot, and probably even dreamed of. After all, it’s the time you can make your career and really get ahead of the game, gaining the notoriety you’ve always wanted and looked up to as an expert. But it often isn’t as simple as thinking you’re going to be a good fit for whatever field you want to work in, you need to have the right experience.
It often isn’t as simple as thinking you’re going to be a good fit for whatever field you want to work in, you need to have the right experience.
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Volunteer in Your Field
And it’s not just volunteering that works here, as having an unpaid internship is incredibly professional and can really show your employer what you’re about. You’re presented as a much more serious candidate, ready to go the extra mile, and they also have another organization they can reach out to for references. Interning is usually done in bigger companies that can offer these kinds of programs, so take up the prestige for all it’s worth.
If you like the idea of volunteering and don’t mind sinking all those unpaid hours into helping out in shops, organizations, and offices, all kinds of places are hiring. Look into something like Habitat for Humanity volunteer work if you’re interested in the real estate field, perhaps want to get a taste of the worksite, or simply want to see what the office life is like, the versatility of experience you can gain makes volunteering completely worth it. Volunteering also helps to show your passion and compassion for a cause, highlighting your character at the same time.
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash
Show You’re Capable of the Job
Even if you don’t have the necessary experience interviewing, there are always some questions about what you would do if you were in a typical situation in the company. And your answer matters massively! So before you head inside, make sure you’ve come up with some good answers for anything that could be thrown at you, or done your research into the part.
“Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, you book it with us.”
Try to be personal with your answers as well, and don’t offer up-stock phrases. Do some good thinking before you have to answer, to help show you can think on your feet while having all the backup capability you need. Plus, it’s the simple act of researching that makes you a lot more responsible! Finish it all with a perfect follow-up
Getting the right experience for the job you want is always going to be a nit-picking process, but you’re entirely capable of it. Do everything you can to secure that position.
Have you ever struggled to complete a design project on time? Or felt that having a tight deadline stifled your capacity for maximum creativity? If so, then this book is for you.