Career Advice

Determine Your Purpose in Life

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What you do with your life is a continuous series of decisions and many moments of reflection on your own, over a long period of time. By making these choices, you’ll be able to design your life around the things that excite and motivate you. As a result, it can help you prioritize your time and effort. Determine your core values, non-negotiables, and key skills before deciding what you want to do with your life.

When asked, “What should I do with my life?”

Considering the best paths to take may be necessary at various points in your life. When you are still in school, have just graduated, or are already employed and looking for a new career or industry, you can make decisions about your future. Whatever the reason for your decision, take some time to consider the following essential elements:

  1. Decide on your core beliefs and principles.
  2. Decide on short-term and long-term goals for your career.
  3. Recognize and appreciate your unique set of abilities and gifts.
  4. Make a list of things you enjoy.
  5. Please double-check all of your non-negotiable demands.

Consider your answers to these questions carefully, as they can help you develop a plan for the rest of your life. Despite the fact that you may be using these questions to make personal decisions, we will focus on how to use your answers when making career decisions.

Decide on your core beliefs and principles

Your core values can help you find opportunities that are in line with your priorities in life. It is possible to increase your productivity and happiness at work by working in a position that allows you to live up to your core values and by working for a company that shares those values with you.

It may not be a good idea to look into fast-paced, aggressive companies if your core values include peace and work-life balance, for example. Avoid jobs like sales or investment banking that require long hours or a competitive work environment as well.

Decide on short-term and long-term goals for your career

Finding out what you want to accomplish in the long- and short-term can help you make more informed decisions about your life. In the absence of a clear set of objectives, it may be beneficial to set goals for yourself. In order to answer questions, even if your goals aren’t specific, setting them can help you figure out whether or not a certain decision will help you achieve your goals or not.

Consider focusing your efforts on industries or positions that offer clear paths to advancement, for instance, in order to make a certain amount of money by a certain age. There are a few things you should know before entering a new industry: what the average starting salary is, how to get a raise, and how the pay scale works.

Recognize and appreciate your unique set of abilities and gifts

The next step is to take a look at your own strengths and weaknesses. These may include things you excelled at in school, technical skills you’re proficient in, soft skills that aided your success, or any other combination of factors. If you’re not sure what skills you possess, think back to times when you’ve been recognized for your accomplishments, such as winning an award or receiving a compliment. How did you do it? What were your strengths, talents, and abilities?

In order to find a career in which you can thrive, it is important to know your strengths and weaknesses. If you’ve never held a professional position before, it’s a good idea to take an inventory of your current abilities and compare them to the requirements listed in job descriptions. Writing a resume that appeals to potential employers will be easier if you can demonstrate your ability to make this connection.

What you do with your life is a continuous series of decisions and many moments of reflection on your own, over a long period of time. By making these choices, you'll be able to design your life around the things that excite and motivate you.Click To Tweet

Make a list of things you enjoy

Understanding what you’re interested in is essential when deciding what you want to do in life. Your job search can be streamlined if you focus on tasks, industries, or even concepts that excite you.

Are there any particular activities or tasks in which you would like to excel? Designing presentations, organizing data, and leading a group discussion are all examples of this role. For example, if you’re a fan of creating presentations, consider a career in this field.

You should also take into account industries that interest you when deciding on a career path. Even if you’re unable to pinpoint a specific career goal, getting your start in a field you’re interested in can help propel your professional trajectory in the right direction. Non-profit organizations, science labs, and companies that sell outdoor gear are just some of the places where you can find work in the field of environmental protection.

If it’s helpful, spend some time looking up different job titles and the typical responsibilities, compensation, and qualifications that go along with them.

Please double-check all of your non-negotiable demands

Finally, make a list of your absolute must-haves. A job offer will only be accepted if you have these requirements. A few examples of non-negotiables are as follows:

  • The number of hours you put in each week
  • Having the option to work from home
  • Benefits and wages
  • Commit to a daily commute
  • The way a manager acts
  • Traveling ability or inability to travel

Finding out what you want and don’t want in terms of a job can help you avoid taking on roles that aren’t a good fit for your lifestyle. You should make a list of things you don’t want to compromise on and things you do.

Final Note

If you’re still trying to figure out what career path you want to take, conducting a general job search for openings in your area might help. Job descriptions can help you discover new areas of interest by reading them. Search by industry, job title, salary, experience level, and more if you’re ready to apply for specific positions.

The process of deciding what you want to do with your life is never-ending. As you grow both personally and professionally, you will have to make a number of decisions. Your interests, goals, and values will continue to change. Gaining new knowledge and experience in a particular field or going through life-altering events like a career change will be easier with this method by your side.

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