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7 Habits of Highly Successful Job Seekers

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Job hunting is seldom an enjoyable experience. It frequently involves a series of dead ends, disappointments, and job interviews that seem promising but yield no results. Along the way, some people resign themselves to the idea that success is merely a matter of luck, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s important for job-seekers to stay motivated and focused during their job search. The most successful job seekers focus on a set of habits that helps attract interest in their resumes and ultimately, interviews. That being said, even the most self-assured and focused job seeker has to continuously push themselves to stay motivated during their search. No matter how long it takes you to secure your next great career opportunity, remember to follow these simple habits when looking for a new job.

7. Create a Killer Resume with Relevant Keywords

Consider what kind of jobs you’re applying for, and ask yourself if your resume reflects the relevant keywords that would make you an ideal candidate. While most of us were taught to pick “action words” for our resumes, many of us do not spend the time to understand the keyword search process that recruiters and hiring managers use to narrow down the list of candidates.

How do you select the best keywords? Take a look at job descriptions for posted jobs that match your qualifications. What are the keywords that are used in job postings? Are those words on your resume? Ensure that your resume and cover letters include the keywords that are likely to appear on the job descriptions for your dream job.

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6. Don’t Take Job Rejection Personally

Let’s face it; as much as we’d like to disagree, there is always someone out there who can do a better job than you. While this may sound really negative, it is a fact impacts us all. Healthy competition is what forces us to get back up, dust ourselves off, and try again. Job rejection is a sure way to send you and your motivation packing. The trick to looking for a new job is not to take application rejection personally.

Recruiters and employers have a very specific picture in their heads about the person they want to hire. It may be something small or relatively significant that deters a recruiter from shortlisting you. While this may not be pleasant, rejection is a normal part of a job search. There is an opportunity out there with your name on it. Try to get feedback as to why your job application was unsuccessful. By identifying areas where your application is weak, you will be able to work on these areas and improve them for future job applications.

5. Use Your Job Applications To Keep You Motivated

Keep a record of each job application you make when looking for a new job. Leverage the “applied for” tools that are available in most job search engines and sites. Use this list of leads as a motivator during your job search. By referring back to the leads you have pursued, not only will you be motivated by your effort, but you will also have a comprehensive list to refer to when contacted.

As an example, after uploading your resume on ZipRecruiter you can create and automate job alerts based on search activity, location matching, and salary matching and keep track of the jobs that you’ve applied for by using ZipRecruiter’s “Applied Jobs” link.

4. Manage Your Job Search Stress Levels

Job hunting is not an easy task for any job seeker. Staying motivated during this time is probably the hardest part of the job search process. Stress and motivation are like oil and water; they just don’t mix. In order to maintain any form of drive focus and motivation, your stress levels need to be managed. When trying to maintain a positive outlook when searching for a job, you need to eliminate stress from your vocabulary. By exercising, a healthy diet, and a reliable form of stress outlet, you will maintain the motivation required to keep hunting for a great job. Once stress has possessed you, a positive attitude and sustained job search drive are impossible. Eliminate unnecessary stress and as quoted by the book, “don’t sweat the small stuff”.

3. Follow Up with Recruiters for Further Encouragement

Once you have applied to a position the one thing sure to squash your job search motivation is wondering about your results. In order to avoid having all focus removed from your job search drive, after five working days from your application, follow up with the recruiter. Send a courteous and polite e-mail expressing further interest in the job you have applied for. Request constructive feedback regarding the result of your resume submission. Also, suggest a possible date when you would be available to meet the employer for a job interview. By practicing a follow-up strategy with all of your job applications, you are guaranteed to maintain your job search motivation.

2. Set a Time Limit to Your job search Sessions

Stay motivated during your job search by assigning a set time limit in which to process your job searches. It is one thing to leave no stone unturned when looking for a new job, but don’t exhaust all of your resources in one sitting. Set a time limit in which to run job searches during for example an hour or two hours a day to run searches. It is not the number of job opportunities you apply to, but rather it is the quality of the and relevance of the opportunities you apply for. Stay motivated and avoid job search burnout by running quality job searches during a focused time period.

1. Schedule a Job Search Time Table

Let’s face it; the hardest part of the job search process is staying focused through the process of searching, applying, and waiting to hear from potential employers. Since there is no guarantee of the length of time it will take to find a new job, you need to be prepared to stay motivated! The number one thing you can do this is to schedule a job-search timetable for yourself. By assigning a specific time in which to run your job searches, you will encourage a positive job search attitude. Not only will you have allocated time according to your time management schedule to job hunt, but you will also remain focused on the other factors of your life that will need attention during your search.

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