Find your Dream Job

Job Search Strategies to Replace Traditional Methods

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So you’ve just completed your training, earned your Bachelor’s degree, and you’re ready to get out into the workforce and flex your skills all while earning top dollar, right?

Well, not to burst your bubble just yet, but finding a job isn’t as easy as everyone thinks. Gone are the days when your Aunt Jennie gets your foot in the door at your Uncle Bob’s chewing gum factory. These days, the competition is fierce when it comes to landing a job.

Just like you, there are thousands of qualified applicants all running around with their resumes in hand, wearing three-piece suits, and lining up in the waiting room to talk to the big boss.

But, there’s still hope. In today’s world, job search is done primarily online. This is why you need to make sure you’re searching where businesses are actively looking for employees.

Here, we’ll explore a few job search strategies that leave conventional methods far behind.

Ever Heard of Usenet?

Usenet is older than the Internet. So, why is it a valuable job search tool? This is because Usenet has a huge user base, and many of these individuals share job postings on discussion boards that are found within newsgroups.

Here’s the rundown. Usenet was developed in 1979 by two Duke University Grad students as a means to send files to a colleague of theirs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After the platform caught the attention of other academics, it became the first chatroom of the ’80s, which led to its rise in popularity in the early ’90s.

Usenet is older than the Internet. So, why is it a valuable job search tool? This is because Usenet has a huge user base, and many of these individuals share job postings on discussion boards that are found within newsgroups.Click To Tweet

Today, Usenet is composed of newsgroups that are arranged by topic, and these topics range widely. You can log into Usenet, chat with users, share video, text, and audio files, read discussion boards, securely download files, post information, and yes, even conduct a thorough job search.

If you want to access Usenet, you can do so via the Internet. But the most preferred method is by going through a Usenet service provider. Just go to Newshosting’s site to start your free trial.

Public Profiles

Imagine that you possess the most sought after skills in the world and that any company would reach out to you just to see if you’d consider working with them. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, this is more of a reality than most people realize.

Today, you can create a public profile that lists your best qualities and skills, and many recruiters look through these profiles to help find viable job candidates.

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Sites like Indeed and LinkedIn have public profiles along with job search tools that you’ll be able to leverage. Simply by creating a thorough and engaging profile you’ll be able to stand out amongst the crowded sea of job candidates, instead of drowning in the murky waters.

Profiles are also fairly easy to create, as most of these sites have user-friendly tools available to assist you in creating the best profile possible.

Cold Emailing

Today it seems like the art of reaching out to an employer is unheard of. And while barging into the meeting room of a large corporation will probably get you arrested, sending a cold email is more of a light tap on the shoulder.

Cold emailing is a technique that many freelancers employ to target and land clients, and any professional who is actively engaged in a job search can use the art of cold emailing in exactly the same way.

If you know how to craft a professional email, then this is all you really need to learn. After you’ve crafted a great pitch as to why a business should hire you, ensure that you leave your contact information and leave a cordial closing statement.

Now, crafting the perfect cold email pitch may take some time, and you might not get a response for every email you send, but, cold emailing shows persistence and effort, and these are attractive qualities that many employers are seeking today.

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