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Which Healthcare Jobs Are on the Rise in the US?

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Healthcare statistics reveal that the healthcare industry is the biggest employer in the US. Nonetheless, the novel coronavirus has shown that we are in dire need of physicians and other medical workers.
But which healthcare occupations would be a good career option? Let’s take a closer look at the situation in the healthcare industry.

The experts say that the post-corona world could offer a different perspective on our society. In other words, the role of medical workers in tomorrow’s world could be more appreciated than ever before.

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Why Do We Need More Health Workers?

In 2016, the US healthcare industry employed around 21.8 million people. According to experts, the industry could end up needing as many as 11.6 million extra workers by 2026.

The expansion of the healthcare sector is impressive, and it outranks all other industries. Of course, the economic growth of this sector provides plenty of opportunities for employment.

One of the primary reasons for this dramatic rise in demand is the aging population. With a higher number of senior citizens, the need for medical services also rises.

Likewise, Medicaid now covers more people than ever before. At the moment, the insurance system provides health services to 20% of Americans.

The Most Wanted Healthcare Occupations

So, the demand for health professionals is crystal clear. Job opportunities are scattered across hospitals, clinics, and other organizations.

As we said, the aging population deepens the need for home health aid, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

On top of that, the US healthcare industry needs many more audiologists and dental hygienists than it already has.

In recent years, IT technicians have also been finding their place in the healthcare industry.

Of course, the shortage of physicians is an ongoing problem for the American healthcare system as well.

In 2019, the median annual wage for a healthcare professional was $68,190. The highest-paid members of the medical staff are surgeons, dentists, and optometrists.

How Did COVID-19 Affect the Healthcare Industry?

The COVID-19 pandemic left an impact on the entire planet, not just the healthcare industry. But among other things, the pandemic has shown that our healthcare systems are inadequate and outdated.

In other words, a change of approach is a necessity. For that reason, we could expect a significant increase in investments related to the healthcare industry in the years to come.

Also, the world of tomorrow could turn to telehealth as a safe and convenient model. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online interaction with a physician has become the norm.

On top of that, it seems that the healthcare industry is on the road to accepting AI technology. The advancements in big data are making it possible to integrate AI diagnostics into the healthcare industry.


So, if you are still weighing your options, a career in the healthcare industry could be a smart move. What’s more, plenty of healthcare jobs are on the rise, and you should take advantage of this opportunity.

Plus, the experts say that the post-corona world could offer a different perspective on our society. In other words, the role of medical workers in tomorrow’s world could be more appreciated than ever before.

Introduction to Health Occupations
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This textbook provides an overview of a variety of allied health professions and explores the tasks and procedures for each occupation. Includes enhanced visual learning, communication, multicultural competence, and familiarity with new technology. For beginning health career students. Includes CD-ROM with additional exercises. 

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10/21/2024 10:03 pm GMT

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