Career Advice

5 Ways to Switch Careers in the Healthcare Field

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The healthcare sector is vast. There are many lucrative and emerging fields you can explore within this industry. As a medical expert, you may get tired of doing the same daily tasks. Likewise, you may feel restricted by your state laws and want more autonomy to explore yourself as a healthcare practitioner. All these feelings you harbor are natural and may drive you to seek a career change.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a better job, stable income, and more opportunities to enhance your position and reputation. However, shifting from one career to the next requires a certain amount of investigation. You can’t slip into any role you please and must follow specific guidelines. Here’s what you have to do:

1. Research your choices

Before sending in a resignation letter for your current job, you must know what you plan to sign up for in your career trajectory. Researching gives you a better perspective on your future choice. And you come across critical details like the educational qualifications you need, the experience you require, and the time it will take you to become a professional in that subfield. For instance, if you are a nurse with a bachelor’s degree and wish to become a nurse practitioner, you should look up the process.

It includes getting a Doctor of Nursing Practice – a terminal degree. Don’t forget to expand your research towards the best States for nurse practitioners to narrow down on locations that’ll allow you to practice without a physician’s supervision.

The information you pick up helps you visualize the timeline you have to follow, the qualification you need to achieve, and states that should be in your focus.

2. Network as much as you can

Your colleagues, mentors, and seniors at work are your most significant resource. They have first-hand knowledge and experience of the field you plan on taking and can guide you accordingly. However, don’t limit yourself to your hospital. There are numerous online forums and social media pages managed by healthcare professionals located all over the country and worldwide. You can contact them and discuss your career plans at length.

These professionals will also inform you about the latest technology hitting the market and current trends in your profession. You may also learn the fastest way to cover all the necessary educational requirements, along with links to online courses that can supplement your learning. Networking also helps you make professional bonds. It can facilitate you by putting in a reference or giving you access to job vacancies that are not relatively well-known but highly prestigious.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a better job, stable income, and more opportunities to enhance your position and reputation. However, shifting from one career to the next requires a certain amount of investigation.Click To Tweet

3. Evaluate where you stand

Switching careers is the best time to take a look at your resume. It informs you how well-established your current profile is and how far you need to go. For instance, if you’re a nurse planning on going for public health, apart from getting a degree in public health, you also need to tailor your resume accordingly. The objective of your new profile should be to clarify what opportunity you plan on availing yourself and what you have done so far that makes you a suitable candidate.

Don’t discount any voluntary or community service you did for your career, which can also be valuable to the new profession you plan on joining. For example, let’s say you helped in mobile clinics, have a part-time job in a retail clinic, or administered vaccines to the community by setting up centers. If you haven’t done anything relevant to the sector, think of skills that benefit healthcare, such as a deep understanding of Big Data and database management. Upgrading your profile and gauging what your current resume depicts is a great way to concentrate on switching to your new career.

4. Get certified

By getting a medical certificate, you exhibit your skill set uniquely. These qualifications depict that you have the training and knowledge to carry out specific duties in a highly informative manner. As a health professional, certifications help accelerate the process of you changing your career. More importantly, you can easily align yourself to your new role by exhibiting that you possess the relevant expertise to perform your duty. Whether you have elementary degrees or reached the pinnacle of your profession by getting a terminal degree, this qualification helps you stand out.

For instance, as a Certified EKG Technician, you can perform non-invasive tests on a patient’s heart to check for heart rate/rhythm, even if you have no experience in cardiology. An understanding of the EKG is all you need. Similarly, numerous certificates will take you down a different path in your healthcare career. For example, you can become a Certified Case Manager or try your hand as a Registered Health Information Advisor.

5. Shadow Your Mentors

Shadowing is a type of medical practice in which you observe a skilled expert carry out their job. You may help with minimal tasks such as preparing the patient, helping them sit up, or taking their temperature. Major tasks which involve diagnosing and treatment get handled by the certified professional. It enables you to align yourself for your new role, get a glimpse into your new profession, and mentally list all the responsibilities you must undertake.

You can also ask questions about the job, what most days look like, and additional duties you may need to perform. Your mentor can also brief you on tasks or the skills you may need to improve, making it easier for you to transition in your career.

Final Thoughts

The healthcare sector carries numerous opportunities for certified professionals. There’s no restriction to the roles and subfields you can join. All you have to do is research and adjust yourself accordingly. Learning about your choices is vital since this helps you build up knowledge, understand the timeline you will follow, and allow you to enhance your educational qualification. Speak to the professionals around you and learn about how you can improve your position as a healthcare worker. By allowing yourself to evaluate where you stand, you can narrow down the areas of your resume that need improvement and add to the milestones you have achieved so far.

Likewise, certifications are an integral part of your healthcare journey. These are a form of specialization, making you suitable for specific tasks. Shadowing mentors is another surefire way to pick up details on the profession you plan on undertaking. Applying these measures can help you gain the expertise you need to evolve and adapt to your next career choice.

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