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The average person changes careers between five and seven times during their working life, with Forbes’
Today, feeling like one is living a life of purpose has gained a whole new importance, and this means that employees are willing to take the plunge into new careers if they discover one that ignites their passion. If you are thinking of making the change yourself, you might find the following tips useful.
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Finding A Purpose-filled Job
We spend most of our day at work, and research indicates that Americans are retiring later than ever. For this and other reasons, it is worth investing the time in discovering what gives your life meaning. To do so, you need to take certain steps – including an understanding that risk and sacrifice are inherent when it comes to achieving authentic goals.
A career strengths test helps you identify your key
If you are unsure about what ignites your passion, then it can be a good idea to write down all the professions you might enjoy. Think about why you might enjoy them and what you would get out of them. If you find that there are some shallow or unsatisfying answers, then cross them off the list. When it comes to finding which
For instance, if you want to learn how to become a medical assistant, you will have seen that retraining, career potential, and truly helping people are where your passions are. If you ever find that you are stuck deciding what is going to be best for you and finding out where your passions are, then it could be worth getting a session or two with a life
Provides profiles of nearly seventy people who have successfully changed careers in mid-stream, and includes information on finding satisfaction in work and how to plan and execute a new career.
Building A New Resume
You will have to market yourself to a new sector, and that begins with creating a killer resume that capitalizes on key
Map Out Your Path
List down (or use a vision board) to define each of the steps you need to get to your goal. These could include completing a course or postgraduate degree; finding a suitable mentor; performing part-time or voluntary work in your newly chosen industry; joining a network; or making a business plan. Try to set time limits for the achievement of each of these smaller goals so that your ultimate goal seems more achievable.
If you feel your current job no longer fulfills you, then it may be time to make a career change. It is important to be realistic from a financial perspective, to see whether or not you can take time off for further study if required, and to see how soon you can realistically expect to make a change. Setting time goals is also key, and you can use a journal or a vision board to plan out your map to a new, more meaningful life.
Most people agree there are few things worse than being stuck in a career you hate. It's not just the daily drudgery of work that has become tedious; it's also the hopeless feeling of life moving in the wrong direction and not knowing how to turn it around.