Land your First Job

Tips For Your First Job

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When you are fresh out of school and you are sitting on your first business meetings, you may find that you are feeling extremely nervous. After all, not only do you need to absorb what is going on, but you also need to show the people around you that you are worth what they pay you! The truth of the matter is that meetings are going to become a standard part of your job, but in the beginning, they can be a bit harrowing. Consider these pointers to get you through!

Turn Off Your Cell Phone

It doesn’t matter if you see CEOs take calls in the middle of a business meeting. It is rude behavior, and it is not one that you can afford to commit. Even having your phone ring while you are in a meeting can be distracting and irritating. Before you walk into the business meeting, turn your phone off completely. It is a basic courtesy.

When you are fresh out of school and you are sitting on your first business meetings, you may find that you are feeling extremely nervous. After all, not only do you need to absorb what is going on, you need to know the rules.Click To Tweet

Dress Well

It doesn’t matter if the business policy is business casual. Take care with the way you dress before a meeting, particularly if you are going to be called upon to take questions or to give a presentation. It is always better to dress up too much than to dress down inappropriately. Make sure that your outfit is laid out and tidy before you go to bed the night before. When in doubt, look at the executives at your company and see how they dress. A little bit of preparation is essential the night before a meeting.

Be On-Time

There is nothing more nerve-wracking than trying to enter a meeting that has gotten started. If you are someone who has issues with time management, take a moment to set an alarm or two. Do not keep other people waiting for you. At the very least, getting to the meeting early will allow you to choose the best seat!

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Take Notes

It may remind you of being in college or high school, but note-taking is a very valuable method for information assimilation. Not only will you have a physical reminder of what is going on at the meeting, you will also discover that you can remember the information more clearly if you write it down. Writing creates a physical experience to go with what you are hearing.

Ask Questions

Remember when the teachers told you that there is no such thing as a stupid question? If you do not understand something, or if there seems to be a logical fallacy in what you are hearing, make sure that you bring it up. This is an important part of why you are at the meeting in the first place.

Never Be Derogatory

When you are at a meeting, you are there to be productive. You are not there to make slurs against people who may have left the company, and you should always be upbeat. Ill-advised jokes or insults, even against people who are not there, are going to get you a bad reputation almost immediately.

When you are off to your first business meetings, remember that everyone has to go through this. It is all about how you carry yourself, so be as confident as you can, and remember that common courtesy can go a long way.

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