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Studying for an important exam can be overwhelming. No matter when you start to study, it always seems like there’s just not enough time to cover everything! However, there are some tips you can use that can make studying for a test a bit easier and more structured.
Take Good Notes
Every student has fallen into the – I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember it – trap at least once before. There are different ways to take notes, but a lot of people find that the Cornell notes writing style is a good choice for them. It relies on segmenting what you’re learning about into the topic:
- The essential questions surrounding it,
- Creating questions and cues that will help you remember important pieces of information,
- Writing down traditional notes such as important information,
- Creating a summary of the topic at hand.
Taking notes is not only good for promoting active listening during your lectures and helping you focus while you’re reading, but it can also provide you with a good tool to quickly review before an exam.
Diversify Your Reading Materials
It’s no secret that textbooks are expensive, and that poses a problem for a lot of students. However, in order to excel in an important exam, it’s often not enough to just read the primary reading material. Sometimes it’s necessary to supplement your understanding with other books as well. Since this is such an often occurrence, a few students decided to do something about it and created a site where you can get cheap and free textbooks in order to provide others in a similar situation an option to get PDF textbooks at more affordable prices. However, if you feel like you don’t need to get an entire textbook, you should look online for professional articles on the topic to read as well. Of course, whenever reading something online, it’s important to make sure you find a reputable source of information, especially when it’s for an exam.
Make A Schedule
One of the best ways to stay on track during exam season is to create a study schedule. By making the plan ahead, you’ll be able to strategize which topics you want to cover first and how long you want to spend studying them. Putting your plan on paper can make it feel more like a mission and less like a daunting task. For example, you could break the work down into the following categories:
Studying for an important exam can be overwhelming. No matter when you start to study, it always seems like there's just not enough time to cover everything! There are some tips you can use that can make studying for a test a bit easier and more structured.Click To Tweet- Creating an outline for each topic
- Reading about specific topics in-depth
- Listening to pre-recorded information
- Writing out specific questions you have
- Reviewing
When creating a study schedule it’s important to allot enough time to go over the materials at least three times – the initial reading, taking notes, and reviewing. That way, you can make sure you not only remember the facts but also have a deeper understanding of the subject.
Get Enough Rest
It’s easy to get caught up in studying for an important exam, but you shouldn’t let yourself burn out. While your intentions are good, it actually is easier to retain information if you get enough rest – which means both sleeping and doing something to destress during the day. This means that it might be a good idea to plan out your days and weeks ahead of time so you can rearrange them as necessary. There might be some days where you just can’t focus, and that’s ok. On those days, limit your study time to just one or two hours, and then let yourself regroup and relax. By doing this, you’ll enable yourself to focus better tomorrow, and avoid feeling overly exhausted by the time you take the exam.
Studying for an important exam doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you try some useful tips such as taking notes, diversifying your reading materials, creating a study schedule, and getting enough rest. This way, the task will feel more achievable, and you’ll be able to pass the exam with flying colors.