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If you are looking for a new job, it can be frustrating and challenging. If you’re looking for a new job, while still holding down another job, then the
Be clear on what you want
One of the things that you need to decide before you begin your job search is to make sure that you take some time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and what you are looking to get out of the job. Are you literally looking for anything other than your current role, or is it a pay upgrade that you’re looking for, that is still in the same job sector? Think about what things are most important to you, such as the company, the working hours, money, and flexibility. Then you can stop wasting time applying for things that you don’t really want.
Don't waste days, weeks and months following the job search "rules." Learn how to take charge and get offers for the work you love at the price you're worth.
Research target companies
When you know what you are looking to apply for, then it is a good idea to look into a few of the companies that have jobs in your sector and look into what they do as companies. It can help you if you do get to the interview stage, and it will also show you what you might expect if you were to work at the company. You could even get an idea about the
Build, cultivate, and utilize your network
For the large majority of job-seekers, having a lot of people to call on, the people that know you, and the people that want you to grow. When you use these people then it can really help you to get more job opportunities. So making sure that you network online, as well as in person, is something that is really important in your search for your next job.
“If you’ve leveraged any of the countless online
job search sites and submittedyour resume for a specific job, you are not alone. In fact, there are upwards of several hundred applications for each job posted on ajob search site. It’s just way too easy to submityour resume even if you are only marginally qualified for the job. You need to ensure you have a Killer resume and that it is relevant. Ifyour resume /submission is not an exact fit or is submitted after the job has been posted for a few days, you are probably wasting your time.” – 5 Tips to Help Maximize Your Job Search
If you are looking for a job in radiology, then it is a good idea to speak to anyone that you know in the healthcare profession, for example. It is also a good idea to think about using something like LinkedIn as a tool to reach out. If you know someone who works somewhere that you want to work with, then it is a good idea to speak to them and see if they can speak to someone that could refer you.
It would be great to hear what works for you and what else you would add to the list.