Career Advice

Putting Together A Career Plan

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A lot of people overlook the importance of a career plan. A career plan is a strategy that you will develop on a continual basis to manage your progression and learning throughout your working life. Below, we will provide you with some advice on putting together a career plan so that you can determine what path is going to be right for you and how you can get there. 

Why do you need to put together a career plan?

There are a number of different reasons why you need to put together a career plan. A career plan is essential in terms of lowering the risk of impulsive decisions being made. It also gives you the chance to realize when you are ready to develop new skills and look for fresh opportunities. 

A lot of people overlook the importance of a career plan. A career plan is a strategy that you will develop on a continual basis to manage your progression and learning throughout your working life.Click To Tweet

A career plan, such as the one we are going to discuss in this post, can be used by anyone, including those making career changes, graduates, students, and school leavers. It can also be used to help you achieve your goals irrespective of the sort of career you embark on, whether it is a career in radiology, accountancy, sports, or anything else.

How do you create a career plan?

There are four steps that we have identified when it comes to putting together a career plan, so we will take a look at them below:

  • Identify your interests and skills – Choosing a career is a pretty big deal. You are going to spend a large portion of your life working, and so it is vital that you make career choices wisely so you can fulfill your potential, remain motivated, and enjoy life. To decide what career route to go down, you really need to understand yourself. You need to take stock of your skills, assessing your values and interests. It is vital that you can understand the range of knowledge and skills you have, so you can determine if you will be a good fit for the job you are thinking about. It can help to make a list of all of the specialist and transferable skills you have, providing an example for each one. It is important to be honest. Write down accurate interests, values, and skills, rather than the ones that you would like to have. 
  • Explore different career options – Now that you have a good understanding of yur own skills, it is about researching the career paths and the job markets that interest you the most so you can narrow down your options effectively. Think about what your perfect job sector would be, and find out the chief trends by looking into the global jobs market, as well as the national and local markets. This will help you to find some more possible career paths, and you will be able to get a better understanding of the roles that are declining or expanding. It makes sense to put together a shortlist of jobs. You can then consider the disadvantages and advantages in terms of training, salary and conditions, related jobs, job description, entry requirements, employment outlook, and career development. 
  • Make your decision – With all of the former research now complete, you are going to need to make a decision. You need to combine what you have discovered about the jobs market with what you have learned from yourself. There are a number of questions you can ask yourself. This includes: Does the company fit with my values? Do I have the right skills? Does it meet the majority of my preferences? Will I enjoy doing the job every day? Is the job realistic in terms of salary?
  • Set goals that you can achieve – Finally, you should also make sure that your career plan states what your goals are. We would recommend that you split them up into short, medium, and long-term objectives. Your progress should be reviewed continually, especially once you have reached a short-term goal. You also need to put together a backup career development should your situation change. Think about different paths you can take in order to reach your end goal. Think about the different problems you may encounter and how you could overcome them.

To conclude, a career plan is an important element that is required by anyone who is currently embarking on their educational path to success. This can help to make sure that you do not end up making rash decisions, and instead, you focus on your career goals. 

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