Career Advice

How To Make The Switch From Remote Working To In-House Operations

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If your business has been operating remotely for some time, then it may seem difficult to get back to in-house working. Thankfully it needn’t be as tricky as you might expect to head back into the office, as there are many simple steps that you can follow to maintain both safety and efficiency as you wave goodbye to work-from-home measures. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then read on! 

Make Health & Safety A Priority 

Though the pandemic is appearing to ease its grip, it’s still vital that you can make health and safety a priority when getting back to work. It’s a good idea to implement a few extra measures to keep your staff safe when they head back to the office, including social distancing, sanitizing stations, and face mask recommendations as a bare minimum. This will help to limit the spread of the virus within your business premises, helping to ensure you and your team can avoid taking too many sick days and remain on the ball in the best of health. If your staff work in a customer-facing role, then you may need to implement additional measures. For example, you may wish to install perspex screens at till points to create a protective barrier between your team and your customers, or recommend that customers also wear face masks when they enter inside your store. This proves to both staff and customers that you’re taking health and safety seriously in such unpredictable times. 

Set Goals & Offer Rewards

It’s likely been difficult for your staff to adapt to remote work, so converting back to in-house operations can once again be a struggle. In order to combat low productivity levels, you can set your team a range of different goals that they can aim for to encourage them to reach their full potential. These goals can be both individual and team-based, and incorporate a range of areas and activities. In order to inspire your team to put in the extra effort required to reach these goals, you can offer attractive rewards that will make their hard work worthwhile.

If your business has been operating remotely for some time, then it may seem difficult to get back to in-house working. Thankfully it needn't be as tricky as you might expect to head back into the office, as there are many simple steps that you can followClick To Tweet

Make sure that you choose good rewards to motivate your staff rather than opting for low-level gifts that will insult instead of encourage. Good reward ideas can include an end-of-year bonus, an extra day’s vacation or even a voucher for a local fine dining restaurant or luxury hotel. They will no doubt reach and even exceed your expectations when you take the time to set goals and offer rewards, making the switch to in-house working more productive than ever. 

Switching to in-house operations from remote working has never been such a simple task when you can take the time to utilize some of the brilliant ideas described above. It’s not going to be easy, but it will certainly be worth it when you and your team can once again reunite and work together to push your business in the direction of success.


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