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Education vs. Dream Job: What Really Matters?

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When people are preparing for college, many people will invest their heart and soul into getting into the college they want. But education is only one part of the journey. Ultimately, going into education is about coming out the other side and getting into the career or industry that you want. And it’s an age-old debate, whether education is crucial, or does experience trump education to get the job? Let’s try and show you what is the best.


  • The Value of Formal Education: While degrees can open doors to certain professions, they are not the sole indicators of skill or potential in many fields.
  • Experience Over Degrees: Some industries prioritize hands-on experience and practical knowledge over formal education, valuing real-world application.
  • Certifications and Specializations: In sectors like IT or health, specific certifications can often be more valuable than general degrees.
  • Soft Skills and Personality: Interpersonal skills, adaptability, and attitude can sometimes outweigh academic achievements in the hiring process.
  • Networking Opportunities: Colleges and universities offer vast networking prospects, potentially leading to job opportunities post-graduation.
  • Self-Taught vs. Institutional Learning: The rise of online courses and self-study has challenged traditional education pathways, with some employers respecting autodidactic learning.
  • Cost vs. ROI of Education: The financial burden of education should be weighed against potential earnings and career advancement opportunities.
  • Entrepreneurship and Education: Many successful entrepreneurs lack formal education in their field but possess passion, vision, and practical skills.
  • Continuous Learning: In a rapidly evolving world, continuous self-improvement, and skill acquisition can be as valuable as initial education.
  • Industry-Specific Requirements: While fields like medicine or law mandate formal education, others like arts or tech might be more flexible.

The Choice of Industry

Broadly speaking, education often correlates with income potential: the more advanced the degree, the higher the potential salary. While some sectors do value climbing the ranks through experience, having an educational background can offer a significant head start. Many stress the foundational role of education, particularly in fields like construction. However, construction is also a unique domain where starting from the ground up is not only possible but commonplace.

Many people will invest their heart and soul into getting into the college they want. But education is only one part of the journey. Ultimately, going into education is about coming out the other side and getting into the career or industry that you want.Click To Tweet

However, if you are starting out in a career, having some higher education will serve you well. But this is with the caveat that acquiring job experience and additional skills will bolster your abilities.

Is it Just Better to Get Work Experience? 

While getting work experience is perfect to get a taste for a job, the modern workplace demands higher education. And this is for the simple reason that if you want to advance in your career, you need to get the best of both worlds. Having a degree can show employers that you have specialized knowledge. When you have a degree under your belt that has utilized technical skills or niche knowledge, an employer may look upon this more favorably because this can be transferred to the workplace environment.

Should We Go to College Regardless?

While there is evidence to show that a degree can give you an advantage over someone who doesn’t come out especially when applying for a job, there is more to an education than just the degree. For example, soft skills are a key component of the college experience. Going to college allows you a variety of experiences. But there are trade-offs, such as the cost of college. And the longer you spend on education, the fewer years you will be working and earning money to pay off the fees.

There is also the fact that if you decide to continue your education and acquire a master’s, this keeps you out of the workforce for longer, but it can mean you are also running the risk of being overqualified. Or if you choose a niche master’s, it doesn’t necessarily lend itself well to certain career paths. We can cite the oft-used example of people with creative qualifications not getting into the arts industry, but rather having to go for any job due to necessity.

As you can see, there are quite a few issues to consider if you are debating going into higher education. There are some people who consider a degree pointless. But you have to decide on the industry, but it can show employers that a degree shows you have the ability to excel in your work.

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