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You Don’t Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression

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How much time and thought do you put into your overall appearance preparations when you go on a job interview? If the answer is little to none, then there is a good chance that you are still looking for a job. You see, appearance, including clothing and grooming, does make the man or woman in many cases when they step foot in someone’s office for a one-on-one interview.

CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN: Dress for Success in Business and Life

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07/25/2024 11:50 pm GMT

You Are What You Wear

When I went on my first startup interview quite a few years ago, it caught me a little off guard. I showed up for the interview wearing a suit and tie, only to have everyone I saw at the company dressed casually. The first interview comment also caught me off guard.

The interviewer said that people at most startups did not dress up in suits and ties (which I am guessing was not a compliment). Granted, most job interviews do not start off that way, but needless to say, I did find it a bit interesting. In today’s job search world, it’s always best to fall on the side of caution and make yourself as presentable as possible. And while a suit is not necessarily a bad thing, looking out of place can be.

How To Best Prepare For An Interview

Learn Exactly How To Correctly Prepare For An Interview & Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance Of Getting Hired In The Modern Job Market

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07/26/2024 04:11 pm GMT

Do You Know the Key to Looking Your Best?

What are some keys to looking your best and enhancing your chances of getting that job you want? Among the things to remember are:

  • Dress codes vary – There is not one “fit all” dress code that blankets the job world. Before you go in for your interview, take into account what the position entails and how you would best represent yourself. If you’re interviewing for a retail job, overdressing may come across as you being overqualified for the position. In the event you interview for an executive position, underdressing may show that you are not serious about the post and would not be a good representative of the company;
Make a lasting impression with our tips and advice. Discover how to present yourself effectively and leave a positive first impression. No second chances!Click To Tweet
  • Look the part – In the event you are interviewing for a sales position, keep in mind that if given the job, there is a very good chance you will be meeting with clients on a regular basis. Your potential employer will want to make sure that you dress the part, thereby doing a good job of representing the company when out in the field. If you come to the interview underdressed, hair a mess, not cleanly shaven, wearing too much makeup, etc., you can be setting yourself up for not getting the job;

  • Use that toothbrush, comb, and razor – Just as the clothes are important, it is also critical that you make sure the toothbrush, comb, razor, and any other needed accessories are put to use before going to your interview. While it may seem a no-brainer, you would be surprised how many candidates go to an interview and forget to brush those pearly whites, comb their hair or run that razor down their face. Improper grooming habits tell a potential employer that they are not a priority in your life, something that can lead to being passed over for the position;
  • Don’t overdo the makeup – While this advice is primarily for women, it holds true for some men too. Yes, you want to look appealing for your interview, but don’t show up with an extra pound of lip gloss, mascara, hair gel, toner, and more. Remember, this is a job interview, not a precursor to the Miss America pageant;
  • Make the interview interesting – It is safe to say that many people find job interviews to be a job in and of itself. Many people find the process to be taxing and at times very stressful. One of the ways to ease the tension is to go into the interview full of confidence, looking your best, and most importantly, being you. If you’re not comfortable in a three-piece suit or designer dress, then wear something comparable where you can look good, yet be yourself. Most importantly, demonstrate your interest in the job and why you want to work for this company.

There are still millions of people searching nationwide for jobs. For those who make a little extra effort in their appearances, the odds appear higher that there will be more opportunities to snag their desired job.

The Job Interview Style Guide: How To Dress For An Interview

The Job Interview Style Guide is a conversational step-by-step manual for men and women who want to learn how to dress for an interview and automatically attract employers in a way that will make them stand out.

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07/25/2024 11:46 pm GMT

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