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Where Can You Work as a Psychology Graduate?

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If you’re fascinated by the way humans think and behave, have you considered pursuing a career in psychology?

There are many psychology courses available for you to study at universities across the country. No matter which psychology course you choose, you will explore unanswered questions about the mind. You will discover more about why humans think and behave the way they do.

Most psychology degrees cover the basics of each area of psychology, including cognitive, behavioural, and social psychology. However, as you progress further into your studies, you may begin to think about specialising.

“Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior, offering the chance to explore unanswered questions about the brain. There are many different options available to psychology degree holders, depending on your specializations and interests.”

Depending on the type of psychology that you are most interested in, you may want to specialise in health, education, forensics, or research. The possibilities really are endless when it comes to this field.

As a psychology graduate, you aren’t confined to just one career path. There are several directions you could go and we’re here to tell you about each one!

What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?

There are so many different fields of psychology that you can enter when you graduate with a general psychology degree. This can make it difficult to choose just one area.

Try to focus on your strengths and interests when making your decision. To excel in psychology, you need to have a genuine interest in what you’re doing, so it’s important to follow your passions. You may be able to switch directions in the future, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!

There are many psychology courses available for you to study at universities across the country. No matter which psychology course you choose, you will explore unanswered questions about the mind.Click To Tweet

Here are some of your career options as a psychology graduate to help you decide which direction you’d like to go.

  • Clinical psychologists work in hospitals, clinics, and primary care settings to treat patients with a range of mental health disorders, such as addiction, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders.
  • Counselling psychologists use special techniques to help individuals of all ages to overcome their struggles. Common problems include post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual abuse, psychosis, and other mental health illnesses.
  • Educational psychologists can work in schools and community centres to support children and young adults through their education alongside parents, teachers, and other medical professionals.

  • Health psychologists work closely with patients to overcome various health conditions and illnesses. They work as part of a multidisciplinary team to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle changes.
  • Forensic psychologists work with criminals to assess their mental health, overcome anger management issues, and identify the risk of them re-offending in the future.
  • Sports and exercise psychologists work with athletes and sportspeople to improve their exercise performance and mental resilience. They work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as coaches, personal trainers, and physiotherapists.
  • Occupational psychologists work within businesses and organisations to improve employee health and well-being. They may work with employees to overcome psychological issues or provide ergonomic equipment and additional resources to improve employee satisfaction.

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