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Top Nursing Degrees to Boost Your Career

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The world population is significantly increasing, and so is the need for healthcare services. The surging need for healthcare services today has drawn a greater number of individuals to pursue healthcare careers. The expansion of the global healthcare system demands increased specialization for registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). These specialized nursing careers offer professional growth as well as expertise within a specific field of interest. In order to avail these career opportunities, the nurses must fulfill certain educational requirements that will be discussed in this article. If you are a nurse practitioner looking forward to boosting your career, you can go for any of the following specialized nursing degrees.

1. Family Nurse Practitioner

Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) provide primary and preventive healthcare services to all family members, from infants to adults. FNPs offer services that include examination, diagnosis, and treatment of patients who need primary healthcare. Apart from treating illnesses, FNPs are also responsible for providing basic guidelines to their patients on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and retaining perfect health. Nurses who are comfortable treating patients from all age groups and who tend to develop long-lasting relations with their patients are most well-suited for this specialized career. More than 65% of advanced practice registered nurses hold a certification in FNP, which makes it the most popular specialized career of all. Registered nurses willing to pursue this career should go for an MSN FNP program to meet the educational criterion to work as an FNP. Moreover, nurse practitioners who intend to excel in their careers while continuing their work at the same time can go for online MSN FNP programs. These online programs will enable them to acquire specialized education in their specific field of interest without compromising their work life.

2. Neonatal Nurse

Neonatal nurses deal with infants, including premature newborns and newborns with serious health conditions that require intensive care. Some neonatal nurses take care of the newborns from their birth till they get discharged from the hospital, while others continue to treat the infants, who suffer from long-term health conditions for a comparatively longer time period. Anyone with a valid RN license and a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) can go for specialized neonatal nursing certification.

3. School Nurse

School nurses work in schools ranging from elementary to higher ones to provide healthcare services to students. School nurses have a number of duties to perform, which include providing first aid to injured or ill students. They are responsible for collaborating with other professionals to ensure the physical and psychological well-being of students enrolled within the specific school. A nurse practitioner with a valid RN license and a BSN can acquire specialized certification to work as a school nurse.

The expansion of the global healthcare system demands increased specialization for registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs).Click To Tweet

4. Dialysis Nurse

The process of cleaning the blood of patients whose kidneys fail to function is referred to as ‘dialysis’. A dialysis nurse is responsible for taking care of the process of dialysis, managing the equipment, keeping a record of the patient’s condition before and after the dialysis, and educating the patient about their health and treatment. Nurses with a valid RN license and at least an associate nursing degree can go for specialized certifications to pursue their careers as dialysis nurses.

5. Nurse Midwife

Nurse-midwives primarily offer healthcare services related to pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to these services, a nurse-midwife can assist patients with postpartum issues as well as other gynecological issues. Nurses who want to pursue a career in gynecology are now enabled to focus their services within this specific field by earning an MSN in the field of gynecology.

6. Nurse Anesthetist

Nurse anesthetists are responsible for administering anesthesia to the patients going through surgery. Apart from administering anesthesia, they are also responsible for carefully considering the medical histories of their patients in order to determine the type of anesthesia that should be given to them. Different patients can have varied medical histories, and the same type of anesthesia will not work for all of them. Therefore, careful monitoring is required while administering anesthesia to a patient before they undergo a surgical process.

7. Nurse Researcher

Nurse researchers, instead of treating ailments, are involved in the process of scientific research in order to bring about improvements in the healthcare system. They study various ailments, discover their remedies, and play a significant role in developing the global healthcare system. Their work settings may vary from hospitals to research laboratories depending upon the nature and requirements of the research under consideration. Nurse researchers do not require to earn any specific certifications; however, they can boost their careers by acquiring the Certified Clinical Research Professional certification. The research conducted by these professionals augments the improvement of healthcare services to a great extent.

8. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse

Psychiatric mental health nurses are involved in the examination, problem identification, and treatment of patients who are going through a number of psychological disorders, including substance abuse or any sort of addiction. These professionals are responsible for the mental well-being of their patients and relieving them of the mental stress that they are encountering. Those who want to proceed in this career must have a valid RN license and a specialized MSN degree in the specific field of study.

9. Oncology Nurse

Oncology nurses have their role in taking care of the patients who are showing cancer symptoms or who are going through various stages of cancer treatment. Intense care is required for patients who are going through extensive cancer treatments. These nurses administer the process of chemotherapy and are also responsible for creating the best possible environment for these patients. A person with an RN license along with an associate nursing degree is eligible to pursue a career as an oncology nurse.

The nursing profession offers a wide range of specialized training and certifications for individuals who are willing to boost their careers and earn a good sum of money. Moreover, multiple specializations ensure the provision of the best care and treatment to the patients. They also provide an opportunity for the professionals to focus on their specialized areas of interest and to deal with the patient populations of their own choice, which, in turn, enables them to produce the best quality of work.

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