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Top 5 Reasons to Become an Engineer

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Do you want to have a career that is challenging and rewarding? Do you enjoy solving problems and developing new things? If so, engineering may be the perfect profession for you. According to Forbes, 20 out of the 50 best jobs are engineering careers. 

Engineers play a crucial role everywhere around us – from cars to phones to new medicines being developed these days. This profession offers great opportunities with excellent career prospects – both now and in the future.

There are many different types of engineer jobs available in today’s workforce, each with its own unique set of challenges. More and more young people decide on this profession and get the chance to look into different fields like manufacturing. 

But why is that? In this blog post, we will discuss 5 reasons why becoming an engineer is a great career choice!

1. Engineers Are In Demand

Our modern society becomes more and more technical and this requires engineers. This means that engineers have a bright future.

The engineering industry is booming with new innovations and technologies that are being invented every day, shaping the world around us and advancing society for future generations. With the rise of technology and automation, which are taking over much of conventional manufacturing, the need for innovation, design, development, and testing has grown in importance. New avenues of employment have opened up in various sectors, including engineering and especially with the internet.

There are many engineering careers to choose from and they all have a very promising future in different industries like manufacturing, construction, or transportation.

Engineers play a crucial role everywhere around us - from cars to phones to new medicines being developed these days. This profession offers great opportunities with excellent career prospects - both now and in the future.Click To Tweet

2. Engineering Is An Unlimited Field

There are plenty of opportunities for engineers in almost every field imaginable from aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering to data analytics engineer.

This career offers you all kinds of opportunities to develop new things that will change society for the better. Engineers have developed everything from space shuttles to heart pumps to smartphones. It’s an ever-changing field with great job stability because industries need engineers in order for their businesses to grow and develop innovation.

There is a large range of different engineer careers available to choose from, depending on your personal preferences and interests! You can become an engineer in the fields of manufacturing, biotech, or robotics. And if you are into renewable energy sources, which is becoming more and more important in our society, then becoming an engineer might be perfect for you as well.

3. Engineering Is A Lucrative Career

Engineers can expect to make a comfortable salary that increases as they gain more experience and expertise in their career. Engineer jobs are one of the highest paying fields, with an annual wage of around $90,000.

The engineering profession has many benefits such as flexibility, creativity, and stability! Engineers work on the cutting edge of technology which means you will always be working with new developments within your field. Furthermore, engineers enjoy good job security because there is an ever-growing need for engineering services across different industries due to innovation!

It also depends on the field and specialization, what kind of degree (bachelors or masters) you have.  If you are an engineer, there is usually a way to advance your career with an additional degree and set of skills.

4. Engineers Get To Travel The World

Engineers can work on projects all over the globe. From building bridges in China, roads, and airports across Europe to mining coal in Australia or setting up a solar park in Namibia – engineer’s skills are always needed wherever you go! 

Renewable energies are a big topic globally and engineers are in high demand everywhere. It again depends on your field, but often your hands-on knowledge is needed and the machine you helped developed needs to be set up in a different country – that is your chance to see the world while working

5. Engineers Can Be Inventors

Was Gyro Gearloose also your childhood hero? A creative inventor that we would call an engineer today!

Engineers are problem-solvers and need an inquisitive mind that is always open to something new!  It requires a certain amount of creativity to solve problems you face daily.

You’ll be in charge of designing and building the structures, systems, and machines that we depend on every day. Engineers are problem solvers and no matter how big or small the challenge, there is always a solution.

Innovation can happen anywhere – and engineers are in charge of realizing it.

So you see, it is not only about the money (even though you’re compensated well), becoming an engineer can also be a rewarding, interesting job that helps to shape today and tomorrow’s world.

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