Land your First Job

Things to consider when you are searching for graduate jobs

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Have you recently left university, keenly clutching your hard-earned degree, and are now considering your next move? If so, then you are certainly not alone, both because of the continued thriving supply of new graduates and something rather less positive, the competitive job market and unemployment statistics.

It’s therefore likely that in readiness for this key, unquestionably rather intimidating moment, you have already attended no shortage of career advice sessions at your chosen institution, including receiving plenty of information on relevant jobs, training, interview options, and strategies.

We’re not here to use this blog to merely recycle those same old clichés, but instead to shine a spotlight on some of those less frequently mentioned priorities when the time comes for you to hunt for graduate jobs.

Such priorities include…

Keeping your online profile clean

We’ve all had embarrassing drunken photos posted on Facebook, or for that matter made a comment on Twitter or an Internet message board that we have later regretted. indeed, there’s a relative permanence to your online footprint that makes it all the more important to be wary of what you use the World Wide Web to say and do.

30 Days to a Better Online Reputation
Whether you realize it or not—or even wish to admit it—you already have an online reputation to protect. It doesn’t matter if you’re fresh out of college and hoping your past Facebook indiscretions don’t torpedo your career prospects.
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There are, however, still various steps that you can take to minimize any damage, including using the privacy settings of Facebook and Twitter to only show your personal information to those people that you choose to make your friends and followers. You can also create new profiles on sites such as Xing and LinkedIn, in the process creating a much more professional online image.

Experimenting in your job hunt

Given the primacy of the World Wide Web, it’s easy to forget that there are so many other ways of finding graduate jobs than merely visiting the most obvious job search websites and performing a search. It is doing precisely this, in fact, that is most likely to expose you to the greatest amount of competition for that dream role.

Have you recently left university, clutching your hard-earned degree, & are now considering your next move? If so, then you are not alone, because of the continued supply of new graduates and something rather less positive, the competitive job market.Click To Tweet

So, what do you do instead? Well, what you do instead is mix things up, making the most of those more obscure job-hunting strategies. Rather than applying ‘blind’ for a particular role, for example, you may want to concentrate on building up a potentially lucrative network of contacts. Or maybe you could try visiting the websites of smaller companies rather than applying for jobs at the larger corporations at recruitment fairs?

“”Graduating from school is undoubtedly one of the happiest moments in your life. The friends you’ve made for life, the lessons you’ve learned, and the time you’ve spent in school are simply irreplaceable. Among all these happy moments, there’s also a constant reminder of future challenges that are to come. And one of the challenges is finding a job and landing the right opportunity.” – 5 Tips Young Graduates Can Use To Crack First Job Interview

When it comes to the ever-unpredictable search for graduate jobs, it’s all possible.

Brushing up on your interview technique

Finally, let’s imagine that you’ve refined that, made a good few applications, and have received the call to the interview room. This is your cue to get researching, finding out about the latest industry developments in addition to the challenges that are relevant to this particular job. As you prepare, consider how you will integrate this knowledge into your answers to particular types of questions.

And of course, one of the most important elements of all, when you are looking for graduate jobs, is showing plenty of enthusiasm, both for the job hunt in general and each particular role that you seek. Good luck!

Mastering A Career Fair: A Simple and Direct Guide For Landing Your First Job Out of College
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07/27/2024 02:27 am GMT

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