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The Pros and Cons of Turning Your Hobby Into A Business

Table of Contents  
  1. The Cons
  2. The Pros

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There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning with a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. Everyone deserves better than being stuck in a job they hate. If this sounds like you, why not think about alternatives? One thing you could consider is turning your hobby into a career that you love.

There is no better motivation to get up in the morning and go to work than doing something that you genuinely enjoy and feel passionate about.

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However, we often hear that if something is too good to be true, it probably is, and doing what you love and being paid for it seems to fall under that. For many people, making that choice is the best thing that they have ever done, but for others, it can be a huge mistake. Whatever field you go into, making your hobby your livelihood can get messy and confusing if you are not careful. Whether you are a gym bunny who decides to enroll in personal training courses or a music lover who is thinking about going into teaching, here are some of the pros and cons of making that step.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The Cons

The novelty may wear off: Doing something for fun a few times a week is a whole different ball game to doing it day in, day out. You probably took up your hobby to escape the day to day slog of working – by doing it every day, you could run the risk of turning it into a chore. Put it this way – if you ate your favourite meal for lunch and dinner every single day, it probably wouldn’t be your favourite meal for much longer!

There is no room for mistakes: When you are relying on something to provide you with an income, there is just no room for error. If you are a keen hobby carpenter, you can afford to make the odd mistake when creating something purely for your own pleasure. If you are making something for a paying customer, it is a whole different ball game – and one that can be very expensive!

The risk of hitting a creative block: Many hobbies fall under the creative category, and we all know what can happen when you hit a creative block. Again, it can be frustrating and annoying when it happens when you are a hobbyist, but what about when you rely on it to pay your bills? You have to delve very deep to find that creative spark, and that can be demoralising and ruin the enjoyment.

The risk of criticism: No matter how good you are at something, if you are running a business, you will receive negative feedback at some point. When it is your hobby or your passion that is being criticised, it can be a lot more difficult to swallow. You need to be resilient and able to use that feedback to drive you forward rather than let it hold you back.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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The Pros

You will hit the ground running: You have the knowledge and the expertise, the equipment, the contacts and most importantly, the passion and dedication to get your business up and running quickly, cheaply, and hopefully smoothly. You are probably even familiar with the business side of the hobby, even if you have not previously pursued it a commercial sense. For instance, you may be familiar with how hot the market is, time and productivity factors, or the potential to make a profit.

You get to do something you love every day: There is no better motivation to get up in the morning and go to work than doing something that you genuinely enjoy and feel passionate about.

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As you can see, there are many great reasons for turning your hobby into a legitimate, money-making business. As long as you are patient and realistic,  you can reap financial rewards as well as gaining the enjoyment of engaging in an activity that you enjoy doing very much. However, if you are not quite ready to make the leap into doing it full-time, you could look at ways of injecting a bit of your hobby into your current job. For example, if you enjoy writing, can you take charge of writing copy for your business for a while? If you are a musician working in a marketing job, can you occasionally make music for advertising videos?

Hopefully, these tips will help you to make the decision of whether to keep your hobby completely separate from your job, or whether you want to combine the two.

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