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Unlock Job Search Success: Proven Strategies That Work

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Are you applying for dozens of job opportunities but not getting any responses?

Reaching the interview stage only to face disappointment can be disheartening. You’re confident that given the chance to speak directly with the hiring team, you could persuasively demonstrate that you’re the ideal candidate for the position.

Take these tips to heart, and you’ll be given that opportunity in no time.

Hit the pavement

Literally, get your foot in the door. As old-fashioned as this may sound, delivering a hard copy of your resume can help you get noticed. You can ask if it’s possible to talk to someone in HR about possible openings. The key to success with this one is to be nice to the receptionist, as he or she is often the gatekeeper.

Get a professional resume edit

Have a professional look at your resume and have them look at your cover letter, too, while they’re at it! Just one typo can make an employer put your resume in the “no” pile, particularly at a time when they have so many qualified candidates to consider. It’s also possible that you’re not highlighting your experience in the best possible way, or using an old format. A professional resume writer can help guide you to creating a resume that represents you best.

Ask for an informational meeting

It’s not an interview, but it is an opportunity to get face time with the people that matter. Take the opportunity to learn more about the company and your field, but don’t be afraid to mention details about yourself and what you are looking for. If you make the right impression then, they’re likely to call you back if and when a relevant position opens up.

Mail your resume

Yes, snail mail. If you’re answering an online ad, I’ve got bad news for you: you’re among 300 to 400 others (on average) who did the same thing. Luck plays a big part in whether or not you are actually called in, since they are unlikely to look through all of them. Instead, they’ll likely sift through just enough to find several qualified candidates to bring in for interviews or use keyword search to find matches and then stop looking.

So how do you increase the odds that your resume gets read? Well, first, email it in! You can’t avoid being a part of that lottery altogether, but you can increase your chances of getting read by also mailing or even faxing it in as well. Having the physical piece of paper in front of them may make it more likely that you’re called.

Sending a resume and cover letter via snail mail is generally considered outdated in most industries, especially with the convenience and speed of electronic communications. Most employers prefer receiving applications through email or an online application system. Here are some considerations:

Why Digital Applications Are Preferred

  • Efficiency: Digital applications are easier for employers to sort, filter, and share.
  • Speed: Electronic applications arrive instantly, whereas snail mail could take days.
  • Environment: Digital applications are more eco-friendly.
  • Tracking: It’s easier to confirm receipt of a digital application.
  • Consistency: Applying online maintains the standard application process with other candidates.


  • Industry Norms: Some traditional industries or older companies may still prefer or even require paper applications.
  • Personal Touch: In some cases, sending a follow-up letter by mail after an initial digital application can stand out.
  • Instructions: Always follow the application instructions given in the job posting. If it asks for a mailed application, then comply.

If you’re in doubt, it’s always good to reach out to the HR department for clarification. Given your interest in careers and job search, this could make an interesting topic for your blog, detailing when—if ever—it’s appropriate to use snail mail in the job application process.

Job search can be a frustrating process regardless of your experience, but if you’re not even getting to the interview stage, it can seem devastating. Time to rethink your job search approach.Click To Tweet

Create a digital resume

Another way to get your resume to stand out from the pile is to make it different! Of course, you also want to include the traditional format, but if you can provide a link to an eye-catching digital resume, it might help you to get their attention.

A digital resume is a version of a traditional resume that is formatted for online viewing and can be easily shared via email or posted on the internet. Unlike a paper-based resume, which is typically designed to be printed out and read in hard copy, a digital resume is often created with online distribution and digital scanning technologies in mind.

However, it’s always best to read job application guidelines carefully. Some employers still require a traditional paper resume, or they may have specifications for how they’d like to receive your digital version.

Make use of the email subject

Are you just writing “resume” or your name as the email subject? You’re missing out on an opportunity. Instead, include a brief list of your qualifications, like this: “Skilled nurse with 8 Years of Experience in a Hospital Setting.”

Downplay your experience

While it might seem counterintuitive, sometimes downplaying your qualifications can be beneficial, particularly if you’re overqualified for the positions you’re applying for. Whether you’re aiming for a healthier work-life balance or struggling to find a more advanced role, your potential employers won’t be privy to these nuances. Therefore, it’s crucial to adjust your resume to appear as a more suitable candidate for the job at hand.

If you find that your extensive years of experience are a hindrance, it’s increasingly acceptable to limit your resume to the last ten years of work history; this can make a significant difference. Similarly, if your job titles appear too grandiose, consider simplifying them to better match the job descriptions you’re aiming for. If you’re concerned about appearing over-educated, you might even opt to omit advanced degrees from your resume. These adjustments can help you come across as a better fit for the roles you’re seeking.

Make sure you’re qualified

Certainly, the paradox many job seekers face is that they may be applying for positions for which they are under-qualified. One approach to resolving this issue is to target jobs that better align with your current skill set and experience level. Alternatively, you could focus on enhancing your qualifications.

If you find that companies are hesitant to hire you due to a lack of experience, there are several avenues you can explore to bolster your resume. Pursuing further education, earning a specialized degree, volunteering in your field, or engaging in freelance or consulting work can significantly improve your chances of landing the job you desire.

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The Dream Job Catcher™ method is based on hundreds of high-caliber clients in tech who have made successful strategic career moves. These moves have changed their career trajectory, reinvigorated their passion, and empowered them to realize their full potential.

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