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Your Guide to a Career in Psychology

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With so many shows including criminal psychologists as the protagonist, everyone is intrigued to pursue such a fascinating career. I am sure it’s popping in your mind as well. Of course, it’s quite intriguing, but psychologists play a significant role in managing their everyday issues.

So, you must be knowledgeable and competent to serve the end-users’ needs depending on your chosen specialization. Unlike what people believe, psychologists practice in a wide variety of ways. It could be counseling or research, or it could be conducting personality research, psychotherapy. There are too many options available.

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior, offering the chance to explore unanswered questions about the brain. There are many different options available to psychology degree holders, depending on your specializations and interests.Click To Tweet

But how to become a psychologist? Do you have any idea? If not, this article will help you with your initial research about becoming a psychologist.

Let’s get started! 

Steps to Becoming a Psychologist

Psychologists are highly trained professionals, so they require respective education and training to serve the masses. Here’s how you can build your career as a psychologist.

Start with earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology. You can go for courses like general psychology, experimental or developmental psychology, and statistics.

Learn about the research graduate programs that offer the best psychology degree depending on your interests and specialties.

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Choose a degree or specialty, and depending on your interests, go for a master’s degree or PsyD, PhD, EdD, or EdS.

Go for an internship to get some insights into the profession and learn what specialty suits you best. States usually ask for a two-year supervised internship.

Get a license if your job requires you to have one. Check for your state’s requirements or look into national licensing requirements.

But why should you worry about getting a degree first?

There are many reasons why you must get a psychology degree. Firstly, it’s a popular choice that allows you to practice psychology. Secondly, not everyone who studies psychology ends up becoming a psychologist. However, you open a lot of doors for yourself. Lastly, it gives you an understanding of the concept that allows you to become a problem solver.

What more can you ask for?

Since I brushed upon career options once you have the degree in hand, you might be curious about what all you can do. Well, not to worry. We’ve curated a list of ideal career options you can choose from.

Work Opportunities

Once you have your degree and are done with your internship, you can work in the following environments.

  • Government agencies
  • Hospitals and clinics (including VA hospitals)
  • Marketing research firms and other businesses
  • Nursing homes
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Schools and universities
  • Social service organizations
  • You can start your private practice as well.

To Sum it Up

If you are looking forward to making a career in psychology, the first thing that pops into your mind besides the degree and career options available is that “how much time does it take?” Well, to be honest, the amount of time depends on your specialty area or career interests. Mostly, it requires anything between 8 to 12 years to become a licensed psychologist.

That’s why it’s important to be aware of all the educational and training requirements to become a licensed psychologist. So, take your time and examine your goals before deciding on making this a career choice.

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