Career Advice

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety at Work

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Work can be stressful, especially for someone who suffers from anxiety. However, there are things that you can do to help reduce your anxiety and stress levels. If your anxiety is bad enough to impact your wellbeing, then you should look at this fantastic article about breathing therapy.

Work Stress

Any job can cause stress and anxiety. Some cause more than others and it can be overwhelming. This is especially true for people who suffer from anxiety. Extreme stress and anxiety can impact your overall physical and mental health.

Long-term stress can be caused by a lot of different things. Sometimes stress and anxiety are caused by extreme or demanding workloads. Other times it can be low salaries or financially related. Work that does not engage or fulfill a person may also be more stressful.

A little stress at work can help you stay focused and motivated. This can even help us avoid mistakes and meet deadlines. However, there are often long hours, short deadlines, and increasingly difficult demands that can pile onto the worry and dread from work.

If stress has begun to affect your productivity, the quality of your work, your personal life, or your health then it is a good idea to do something about it. No matter what your motivations, ambitions, career choices, or stress factors, there are things that you can do to reduce your stress in and out of the workplace. Let us look at some ways that you can reduce your stress and anxiety levels at work.

Find Support

Reaching out to friends, family, or co-workers can be a great relief from excessive stress. Talking about something and getting an objective view of the things that you are worried or anxious about can be a great way to put things into perspective.

The other person does not necessarily have to offer guidance. They just have to listen. A solid support system at work can be great because then you can talk with someone as soon as your anxiety becomes worrisome.

If you do not have a close friend at your workplace, then you can gradually get to know more people there. Just try to engage, actively listen, and speak with the people around you.

Work can be stressful, especially for someone who suffers from anxiety. However, there are things that you can do to help reduce your anxiety and stress levels.Click To Tweet

In addition to creating a social network at your workplace, you also need the support of your close friends and family. This is important for stress management and overall wellbeing. If you do not feel like you have a strong enough support system, you can always build one. You can volunteer for a cause that you believe in, take a class you’re interested in, or join a club that revolves around your hobby.

Stay Healthy

When you are focused at work, it may be easy to forego a healthy lunch. Not only that, but you may not feel like you have the time to exercise and may even have poor sleeping habits. All of these things are important for mental health and becoming physically healthier is a great way to become more resilient to stress and anxiety.

Make the time for regular exercise. It does not have to be extremely strenuous, and any amount of exercise may be great for your stress and anxiety levels. Exercise can help us focus and increase our energy levels. This may make us more productive at work. It can also help you release positive brain chemicals that can improve your mood and relieve anxiety.

You can even add light exercise into your daily routine at work. Take a walk around the office or do stretches during your break. Any little bit helps. Also, doing a little bit of walking during the workday will take off the stress of needing to get more exercise every day after work.

You should also make sure that you eat a nutritious lunch every day. Eating regularly can help you avoid spikes and dips in your blood sugar level which can make you feel fatigued and cause headaches. You should also try to avoid sugary snacks and refined carbohydrates because they can also make you crash.

Another thing you should do is eat the types of foods that can help your mood and avoid foods that can negatively impact your mental health. This means that you should reduce or eliminate your caffeine intake. You can also try to eat more omega-3 fatty acids to boost your mood. You can get these in fatty fish, but you can also bring a handful of walnuts to eat for a snack at work.

You also may feel like you are too busy to get enough sleep. However, missing out on sufficient sleep can harm your productivity and other important work-related skills. Improving the quality of your sleep is not too difficult. First, you should try to have a set routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This will get your body and mind used to the schedule which may even help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling rested. You should also try to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Another way to improve sleep is to turn off screens about an hour before bedtime because the light that phones, televisions, and computers emit can disrupt sleep. You should also try to focus on calming activities before bed instead of doing anything stressful or stimulating. This may mean that you want to read or listen to soothing music.

Time Management

When you begin to feel overwhelmed by work-related stress and anxiety, you may be able to feel more in control if you practice good time management. Creating a set, balanced schedule can help to avoid burnout. You should always strive to set aside time for personal life and social interaction.

Also, you should wake up with enough time to wake up, shower, get dressed, and arrive to work early in order to avoid the high stress of feeling like you will be late to work. Leave 10 to 15 minutes extra to make up for traffic or other non-preventable situations.

You should also strive to take regular breaks throughout the workday. This can give you time to practice mindfulness, meditative, or other relaxation technique that can help you calm down to avoid excessive worry. Try to use your breaks to walk around and get away from your work area to relax.

You should also try to prioritize the tasks that you are expected to complete. Do the things that are more important or need to be completed earlier first. Then, you can have a less stressful time having to complete urgent work later. You can also try to break larger work up into smaller steps. This provides a sense of completion and accomplishment and also makes large tasks seem more manageable. These steps also break up the project so you can practice mindfulness or take the necessary breaks. Finally, try to keep a tidy and organized work area. This can reduce stress and increase productivity.

Accept Anxiety

Sometimes it can be good to just accept that you are going to have anxiety instead of fighting it or attempting to figure it out. You should try to set realistic goals as well and resist perfectionism.

Accepting your anxiety can also help you avoid negative thoughts because you will not look at the downsides as much. The negative aspects will be accepted. Then, some people can even use the anxiety to their advantage.

Not everything is controllable, and you should accept that as well. Do not try to control things that are out of your control. This means that stressful situations and people will arise and there is not much of a point in fighting against that.

Try to do things that you enjoy throughout the day. Whether that is to have a short game to play on break, find a way to laugh or to read a positive news story, this can bring positivity into your workday.

Take Time Off

A lot of people do not take sufficient time off, but this can lead to burnout. In addition, anxiety can actually make it more difficult to ask for time off. However, it is important to lessen anxiety and can actually help you return to work in a more energetic and productive mood.

Look for Fulfillment

Feeling unsatisfied with your work can impact your stress levels and overall mental health. Having a rewarding or meaningful job may not always feel possible. Even if you are not in the position to change your career, you may be able to find meaning and fulfillment in your current job.

Even mundane, boring jobs can be important. Think about how your work helps other whether they are customers, co-workers, or your bosses. This can help us see that there is a purpose for the work that we complete. In addition, think about how you are good at your job and that is why you are paid for it.


Work can be stressful and there is no way around that. However, there are things you can reduce the impact of the stress and to cope with the anxiety when it comes. Make sure you take breaks and have a healthy routine that ensures proper sleep and nutrition. Also, try to regularly exercise and speak with friends, family, and co-workers about your stress. You can also learn a mindfulness technique to reduce anxiety when you are beginning to feel stressed.

Author’s Bio:

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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