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Congratulations, you got the interview! Now you need to do two things – convince them that you are the best person for the job and don’t say anything stupid. Sounds simple, but it’s not. The old saying “You only get one chance to make a good first impression” sounds like it was written for job interviews. You’ve got to ask good questions and have great answers for the difficult questions asked of you.
One real-life extreme example is a candidate that I was interviewing for a job at our company. When asked what
Answer the following questions correctly and you have a really good shot of getting an offer:
1. What do you know about our company?
Company research (before the interview) is critical. If you’ve done your homework and done research on the company before the interview (this is a topic covered in We hope you know this already, but when you’re going to a
If you don’t find out everything that you need to find out, (or you forget to look) do not blurt out anything that will make you look like you didn’t research the company beforehand. Don’t ever ask “What does your company do?”.
2. What is your work ethic?
We all want to have a reasonable workday and no one wants to work a job where they are working 14 hours a day, but the interview is not the place to bring this up. Rather, you will want to answer with a politically correct response. You should keep the following in mind in your response:
Make sure you indicate that you have a positive outlook, you are a
3. What are your expectations?
Vacation, personal days, medical benefits, etc. are all important pieces of information that you will need before making a decision (assuming you get an offer), but this is not the right answer to this question and you should try to avoid specifics. The “right” answer is something like “I want to be in an environment where I can contribute, learn, and grow as an employee. I have a great deal to offer and am looking forward to this opportunity.”
4. Tell me about yourself
Now is not the time to go into your life history. If you did your company research you will know exactly what strengths and
5. Where do you see yourself in . . .
Another one of the most dreaded
This book helps you turn phone screen interviews into in-person interviews and job interviews into job offers. It turns you into a great interviewee.
6. Why should we hire you?
The obvious answer is because you are the best fit for the job and this is your opportunity to ensure they know that. You will want to ensure that they know you deliver great results, have the
7. What are your salary requirements?
Another potential trap. Certainly, you will want more than you are earning now. and everyone wants to make a little bit of money doing a dream job. During the
8. What do you do in your spare time?
Great question, they probably already know a lot about you from your social networks. Talk about the hobbies that keep you active like golf, tennis, or skiing.
9. Why do you want to leave your current job?
You know the old saying – “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Even if you had a horrible time with your current or previous employers, don’t badmouth them to the interviewer. You’ll just leave the impression of being disgruntled and unprofessional. Instead, focus on expanding your knowledge of the industry and wanting to enhance your career.
10. Do you have any questions?
Yes, you do (make sure you have a sufficient list). Don’t ask any questions that have already been answered by the interviewer (that means you were not listening). You should have your “list of questions”, make sure you have more than enough in case any are answered before you get to ask the question.
Additional Resources
Are you scared of Facing Interviews? Do you want to know the secrets of Getting Hired? Get the exact plan you need to get your DREAM JOB.
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03/28/2025 09:48 am GMT -
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03/28/2025 09:53 am GMT -
$15.99$10.44In today's job market, how you perform in an interview can make or break your hiring possibilities. If you want to stand ahead. above the rest of the pack, 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions is the definitive guide you need
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03/28/2025 06:22 am GMT -
$16.95$11.81No matter how good you look, how much research you've done, or how perfectly your qualifications match the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the toughest interview questions, you won't get the job.
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03/28/2025 09:12 am GMT -
Aptitude Tests - Simulate Your Actual Test in a Life-Like Test Environment & Get to Know the Challenges Ahead
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Use this interview preparation guіdе tо jumр rіght tо your current ѕtаgе іn thе jоb іntеrvіеw process or rеаd іt ѕtrаіght thrоugh and lеаrn all thе vаluаblе strategies аnd tactics tо асе уоur іntеrvіеwѕ and gеt mоrе jоb offers.
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03/28/2025 12:23 pm GMT

It’s no secret that job interviews are nerve-wracking, especially if you feel the position is a much-needed stepping stone into a fulfilling product management career. Take a look at CareerAlley's interview resources to improve your interview skills and nail your next interview.