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How Safe Are Modern Schools?

modern school

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In today’s social climate, this question is a very reasonable question to ask regardless of what part of the country you live in, regardless of socioeconomic status, and regardless of grade level. Once upon a time schools only had to concern themselves with keeping students safe from other students, fires, and natural events, but now schools and parents have to worry about protecting their scholars from any and every threat. Although there have been some tragedies, modern schools are pretty safe when they follow all of their safety protocols and keep up with routine safety maintenance.


Weather Events

Both parents and educators need to be aware of the school emergency plan checklist in case of an emergency. In the event that there is a natural or weather emergency like a tornado or flood, everyone needs to know what to do and how to remain calm. When there is a protocol in place to govern the safety of the staff and students, there is likely to be less endangerment to lives. In areas that are prone to certain types of natural phenomena, you’ll find that building codes generally account for them. For instance, in California, you’ll find that foundations and building materials are rated for a certain amount of ground movement to reduce the likelihood of structural failures should an earthquake occur.

Fire Safety

A fire can be the result of faulty wiring, cafeteria blunders, lightning, and more. But smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems can do a lot to minimize loss and injuries should there be a fire at a school. Most modern schools conduct regular fire drills and have their fire systems routinely checked to ensure that they’ll be functioning properly when needed. While many students don’t take fire drills all that seriously, the lesson is still being reinforced. Many elementary schools also have their local fire department come by at least once a school year to help further drive home the importance of fire safety.



Reports of a violent attack at any school are the worst news to hear. Yet, sadly, these reports come in far too often. Whether it’s violence between students or staff or from outside of the school, it’s always unsettling to hear. School shootings are every parent’s worst nightmare and every school in the country needs a system in place to deal with them. One of these systems is lockdown drills. These drills are designed to teach children and school staff what to do in the event of an active shooter.

Both parents and educators need to be aware of the school emergency plan checklist in case of an emergency. In the event that there is a natural or weather emergency like a tornado or flood, everyone needs to know what to do and how to remain calm.Click To Tweet

One of the best things about modern schools is modern students. With all of the technology available to them, they may be able to get word to their parents or guardians that they are safe or that they’re in need of help. Unfortunately, things do not go as we plan or foresee them, and scary stuff happens. But modern schools are doing as much as they can to safeguard our most precious cargo, the children. As concerned community members, it is our job to ask the school administrators what their safety protocols are and to hold them accountable.

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