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Getting Hired For Your Dream Job

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Whether you’re recently graduating, changing careers, or simply looking for better job satisfaction, the job market can be challenging. But, in fact, employment is at historic highs in the United States, with unemployment at one of the all-time lows of 3.5%. 

To stand out in a crowded workforce takes a creative, strategic approach. But to stand out and get hired for your dream job requires you to take a hard look at the definition of your dream job, find employment that aligns with your goals and become the valued employee that the industry needs. 

Getting hired for your dream job requires you to define exactly what your “dream job “is, find a company that aligns with your goals, and then research the job in better detail before presenting yourself as the solution to the company’s needs. 

Defining Your Dream Job:

It’s easy to say that you’re looking to get hired in your dream job, but can you describe it? What makes a job your dream one? 

Take a step back and look at things that you enjoy doing. Are there industries that allow you to take a passion and turn it into a career? If not, can you create your own opportunities that will enable you to take your interests and find your clients? 

Not every interest will lead to career opportunities. You may have an interest in space travel, for example. But unfortunately, space travel may be a little bit out of reach unless you’re ready to dedicate yourself to years of school and training. 

That’s not to say that there aren’t opportunities surrounding space travel, just that you need to take an analytic approach to what it is about that field you’d enjoy working in and whether there’s a fit for your interests as a job option. 

Defining your dream job is a process that only you can answer. 

Analyzing what it is that you perceive about the job and how it aligns with your interests, education, and experience will help you better understand what you want from your employer and set the course to make it happen. 

Find A Company That Aligns To Your Philosophy:

Defining your ideal job is crucial for establishing a path to achieving your goal of working in your dream job

However, just because the job details are what you want, beware of finding an opportunity that puts you to work at a company contrary to your goals and personal philosophy. 

As you define what makes your dream job a reality, you must search for companies that align with your goals and philosophies. The marriage of employment opportunities and similar philosophies will create better job satisfaction for you, making a long-term situation tenable and enjoyable for you and your employer. 

For example, you may be interested in a flexible schedule or asynchronous work hours. Remote options may be necessary, or perhaps you’re looking for advancement opportunities. 

Doing a deep dive into the company through online reviews of current and past employees on sites like LinkedIn or Glassdoor will provide you insight into how they treat current employees and the implementation of company culture versus what they espouse they are about. 

To stand out in a crowded workforce takes a creative, strategic approach. But to stand out and get hired for your dream job requires you to take a hard look at the definition of your dream job.Click To Tweet

Understand Their Needs And Problems:

As a business is in the process of hiring prospective employees, that means that they have specific needs and problems that they need to address.

One problem is that it could be that the business is expanding and needs qualified candidates for specific roles. 

In other instances, they may want to bring on better talent as their current employee list is underperforming; whatever their needs, try to examine the job from the employer’s perspective. 

Examining why an employer may hire allows you to ask yourself if those reasons align with your goals and philosophies. In the example of looking to recruit better-qualified employees, think to yourself about how you would feel once you were employed and the company looked to replace you

Would being employed knowing that you will be quickly replaced be something you’re ok with as a term of your employment there or not is only something you can answer? 

Become Their Solution:

Every employer has metrics they wish their employees to meet, including the HR department and hiring managers. In the case of hiring managers, they want to hire the best talent, making their job performance look good to their bosses.

By evaluating the employer’s needs, you can position yourself as the solution for their problems and become the solution they need. 

Prepare Your Application:

Doing detailed research on the company’s potential needs will prepare you to position yourself as the solution they need. That information will guide your resume to pinpoint its “pain points” and address yourself as its solution. 

In addition to positioning yourself as a solution, you can prepare your resume to highlight your skills and how they align with the job by understanding the company’s needs and culture. 

Part of preparing your application is to be sure that you’ll comply with any background screenings that may be required. For example, a company will often perform a quick background check on your past employment history, references, and education. 

In some industries, such as aviation, employers will perform much more rigorous background checks, including past employment, drug, psychological, and more. 

Getting hired at your dream job is simpler than you might think, but it’s crucial to be strategic about the process. Delve into what makes a job ideal for you, look at employers matching your goals and desires, and create the job future of your dreams!

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07/26/2024 08:25 pm GMT

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