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Your interview
Sitting across the table from your interviewer, it can seem like you’re both in two different worlds. You tend to think of them as an analyzing machine rather than a person just like you. It’s because they’re the ones holding all the cards, or so it would seem. They are looking over
“You’ve heard the Confucius saying, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” But what if you have yet to figure out what it is that makes your heart beat faster — or, an even more common scenario — how to turn what you love doing into a lucrative
career path .” – Rebekah Iliff
No wonder a lot of people who go into interviews feel as if they are at a disadvantage because they have to impress the interviewer while there’s no cultural obligation for them to do so to you. And here is the issue we camouflage in our minds.
The interviewer was once like you. They know what it’s like to be in your seat so it’s not like they’re an alien. They have an obligation only to their boss, whom they must supply with the best candidates. There’s no conspiracy to keep you down, they simply want the best people. So why should they choose you?
True passion and extra dedication
Much like when you’re trying to apply to a university, they want to know do you really care about the subject matter. Everyone can do the 9-to-5 workload and then go home. What sets the people who usually get hired is they have shown a true passion for what they do.
The first thing to be aware of is that often it’s not your lack of ability that leads you to defeat – it’s your nerves and mindset in how you approach the interview, so let’s look at some friendly advice on shifting your paradigm to tackle your tense state.
Tweet ThisIn their own personal time, they expend mental and physical effort as well as their own money to learn new skills and take on work-determined but not work-related responsibilities. For example, if a biologist wants to be hired, he or she would join a society that holds debates, and conferences publish academic journals and articles as well as holds public information talks.
If you’re a banker looking to be hired by a central or investment bank, you could write a short thesis about how to improve a service that already exists for customers. Back up your ideas with facts and real-world examples. This kind of think and extra dedication is what employers lust for in a potential hire.
Credit Tiffany DeNault
Be Confirmed
It’s one thing to write an interesting report and turn it in along with your resume in the hopes to catch the eyes of the employer. But it’s another to be seen as professionally recognized and confirmed by authority bodies to possess a certain skill. Take for example if you want to work in a larger warehouse and take on more responsibilities, a forklift license that is attained after passing 8 different machines, shows you’re versatile.
You’re confirmed to have the knowledge and the physical
Employers may already be thinking about retraining their workforce to coincide with the latest trends, but if you pass tests for the newest technologies outside of work, you are already an efficient prospect.
Extra dedication and putting in the financial effort really gleam in the eyes of employers. They think that ‘here is someone who is taking his or her occupation incredibly seriously’. But being confirmed to hold qualifications is the ultimate show of dedication.
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