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Last Updated on October 20, 2024
One of the most stressful events in anyone’s life, being fired can bring a host of anxieties and fears. Chief among these fears is the possibility of not being able to find another position to keep the bills paid.
Here’s some information on how a firing affects your job prospects, and how you can put a more positive spin on it for future prospective employers:
Termination from Your Point of View
First, let’s address the effect of losing your job. At first, you’ll probably be in shock, and then panic may set in.
Breathe. Try to get some perspective on the situation. How can you use it as a learning experience? How will you turn this into an opportunity to find a new — perhaps better —
Staying positive and coming up with a plan for finding new work will not only keep you out of the clutches of panic but will also help you in your job search.
Termination from Prospective Employer’s Point of View
First, know that a firing is not an automatic black mark on your reputation. Prospective employers will take several things into account, including:
- The reason for the termination: The circumstances that led to you being the example, an employer is likely to be more forgiving if you were fired for personality clashes or underperformance than if you were caught stealing;
- How circumstances have changed: A
hiring manager will want to know whether you’re likely to have a repeat performance of whatever led to your being Fired from the previous job. Try to show that it was a unique event, or that you’ve learned from the experience and won’t make the same mistakes again;
- Your attitude toward the firing: You can affect your potential boss’s perception of your previous firing through your own outlook on the event. If you use the opportunity to badmouth your previous boss or go on a bitter tirade about the troublesome manager who had it out for you, you probably won’t land this new job;
- Your sense of personal responsibility: It’s fairly rare for people to take responsibility for their own part in a firing or other unpleasant event. It’s human nature to want to place the blame on someone else — so if you own your mistakes and acknowledge that you could have done things differently, your potential employer will likely be more impressed.
Overcoming a Firing and Finding New Work
Give yourself an honest appraisal and pinpoint the mistakes you made that led to your termination. Again, it’s easy for us to put the blame on others, but if you can do some self-analysis you may find ways you can improve your performance in the future.
Identifying your wrong moves gives you a chance to learn from them and take steps to prevent them in the future. If you didn’t fully understand your job duties, you might consider taking continuing education courses to brush up on your skills, for instance.
Getting Fired doesn’t have to be a permanent problem.
By checking your perspective and attitude about the termination, you have a good chance of convincing prospective employers you won’t make the same mistakes.
Every one of us has, at some point in our career, been directly impacted or have a friend or family member that has been impacted by job loss.