Career Advice

Can Being Creative Be Your Career?

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According to Forbes, creativity is an essential part of every career in order to stand out and prosper. However, there are certain jobs that require creativity in everyday tasks, and they certainly don’t expect you to fit a specific mold. These career paths usually include artistry, design, writing, or anything that needs to be “created”.

The Textile Industry

If you’re a visual creative, the textile design industry might be the right career for you. Textile design allows an artist to turn their designs into fabric, and that fabric into useful products that people want to buy. It can be anything from upholstery fabric for couches and pillows, to cotton fabric for garments. If you’re keen on creating printed textiles for clothing you can use a heat press machine, as this allows your designs to come to life quickly and easily. A heat press is also faster and less labor intensive than silk screening, so it’s ideal for designers to experiment with.

Graphic Design Jobs

Another great way an artist can translate their creativity into a career is through graphic design. The graphic design job field is a growing market, there are constantly new ways people are needing the skills and eye of a graphic designer to help their businesses. UX/UI design for instance is a job that up until recently, businesses didn’t know they needed. Coders and engineers would know all the technicalities of building a website but would have no idea how to make it visually pleasing, and that’s where a designer comes in.

“Training in graphic design can lead to a wide range of different jobs. Those that have experience in producing commercial illustrations, as well as in working with computer design and other software, can form part of online and digital teams and can act as contributors to branding agencies. At the same time, graphic designers can get profitable employment in publishing and illustration, while exploring the opportunities presented by television work and freelancing.” – What are the Options for a Graphic Design Career?

You don’t have to be Picasso to be considered a creative genius, many creative careers are looking for storytellers too. According to Indeed, writers have a wealth of opportunities to choose from, it’s just up to you to find your niche. Are you a storyteller, or do you prefer writing short copies? Either way, there are careers in advertising, social media, journalism, and more.

Continual Creative Opportunities

In these fields, every day you come in as a new person with new ideas. Experience and knowledge may help you think of those ideas, but that’s not necessarily always the case. Someone with little to no knowledge of the industry may come up with more ideas than someone who’s been working for 20 years.

creativity is an essential part of every career in order to stand out and prosper. However, there are certain jobs that require creativity in everyday tasks, and they certainly don’t expect you to fit a specific mold. Click To Tweet

That’s what makes the creative sector so inclusive and so easy to tap into. The secret is never to ignore a new idea. Even if you think it’s not perfect, the world might think it’s gold and then you’ll have a new opportunity knocking at your door.

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