Career Advice

6 Qualities a Good Nurse Should Have

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Nurses are often unsung heroes. They save lives, ensure that patients are comfortable, and provide emotional support to those in need. It’s not just the ability to handle these feats with such grace that make a good nurse, though – there are many other qualities that nurses should keep in mind if they want their nursing journey to truly thrive.

Many people aspire to be a nurse as a career, but what qualities do they need? This article will explore some of the qualities that nursing jobs dictate one should have.

1. Honesty

The first quality that any career-minded individual must possess is being direct with patients—implying “directness” means being honest yet gentle with them during conversations or asking questions about their day-to-day lives. They also have to be honest with the families and friends of patients because this allows them to provide accurate reports about the patient’s condition. It is a good idea for nurses to be direct in their approach, even if it means getting into verbal arguments. Once they can foster a good rapport with people, nurses can act accordingly when it comes time to ask them questions regarding medical matters.

2. Empathy

Another quality of a good nurse is being empathic. This means that they are in tune with the emotional states of others, and they can notice when other people are feeling nervous or upset. They need to be able to show their patients that they care about them because this helps them relax and feel secure. Empathy is also essential when nurses have to comfort family members who are experiencing some sort of loss, whether it be the patient themselves or a loved one. Nurses should develop their empathy skills so that they can show their patients and relatives that they care about them when they need it most. Nurses should also try not to make quick judgments about family members who may make mistakes when someone is placed under their care.

Many people aspire to be a nurse as a career, but what qualities do they need? This article will explore some of the qualities that nursing jobs dictate one should have.Click To Tweet

3. Flexibility

Another essential quality that a nurse must possess to be successful is flexibility. Being flexible means that they have to be able to change their plans and adapt them according to the needs of patients or relatives. If the patient is in pain or discomfort, the nurse needs to take charge and try to find a way that will allow them to feel comfortable again. This involves providing them with comfort measures, such as a warm blanket or relaxing music. Nurses should also watch out for signs of emotional distress in family members when it comes time for the patient’s death. This will help them provide adequate support for grieving family members dealing with pain and mourning during this difficult time.

4. Cultural awareness

Nurses need cultural awareness to help them understand how their attitudes affect the way they deal with patients. Studies show that healthcare is influenced by cultural beliefs. Each culture has specific beliefs, values, and customs that influence the way people act. For example, in some cultures, certain colors are used to symbolize death. Some cultures believe that a woman’s place is in the home or women are not allowed to be seen by male physicians.

The nurse should be aware of the patient’s cultural background for providing better pain management and a better understanding of the rationale for actions and feelings.

5. Communication skills

Nurses who are good communicators can help patients feel comfortable and develop trust in them. Effective communication with patients involves:

  • Understanding their needs and concerns.
  • Taking time to talk with them.
  • Ensuring they understand you.
  • Encouraging questions from them.

Communication is more than just talking. It’s a way of getting things done. Nurses will discuss the patient’s situation with family members, doctors, and other health care workers. The nurse must learn to be an excellent listener to gain their trust to open up and share their concerns and pains.

When you communicate with patients, remember:

  • Make them feel important
  • Don’t rush them
  • Let them know that you won’t take advantage of them or hurt them.

6. Patience

Patients can be very difficult people to deal with. They might be in pain or suffering from a terminal disease. They could also be rude and abusive toward you. As a nurse, you should always strive to keep your patience intact no matter the circumstances.

Being patient means acting at a constant rate and not getting annoyed with your patients even if they are rude and abusive to you. Once they start to see that you are staying calm, they will be more likely to listen to what you say instead of being rude.


The role of a nurse requires one to constantly provide care for others while ensuring that they are safe and feel comfortable at all times. For nurses to become successful in the nursing field, they must know what it takes to succeed in healthcare.

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