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4 Tips for Finding Entry-Level Jobs

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“Survival of the fittest” is the law in today’s job market, where jobs are scarce and competition is tough. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics provides forecasts of the job market as well as information on specific job functions. Despite the amazing number of online job search resources available,  college graduates still have trouble finding work.

This is why the best advice for soon-to-be graduates is to be prepared for the challenges of job hunting. Start doing your planning early!

Internships or Early Birds Do Get Worms

Perhaps to your surprise, you can enter your occupation even before you’re handed your anticipated diploma. You have probably heard of internships, those “wonderful” opportunities to work for free. Apart from the major disadvantage of not receiving a salary, internships can be the first and extremely important step on your career ladder.  Sure, you could work as a waiter (waitress)/any other job title that does not require professional skills and earn some money. However, try thinking like a chess player; at least 2-3 moves ahead. An internship can not only offer professional experience but also distinguish you from your peers. Furthermore, during your internship, you should build invaluable contacts with people who can provide professional references or even a job.

Our Pick
Eight Steps for Getting the Internship You Want

This guide helps pre-doctoral internship applicants to identify and match with the training they want.

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Create and Promote Your resume

If for whatever reason, the company where you interned does not offer you full-time employment or asks you back for another internship, you should start looking for a job.

Be sure to join if you have not done so yet and update your profile whenever you gain new skills or recommendations.Click To Tweet

After the stage of “just-looking”, where you’ve spent time reviewing job search websites (,, LinkedIn,,,, and others), you should proceed to the stage of “active searching”. Create a winning resume, to ensure that potential employers will recognize your brilliance as a candidate. Your resume is the main (if not to say the only) weapon in your online job hunting. This is why you should do everything humanly possible to polish it and make sure that employers can find it.

You can find valuable recommendations for effective resume writing at the above-discussed job search websites or other resources (Resume Review resources). Moreover, and offer professional services for resume writing. Whether you use them or not, make certain that your resume shines.

To Pay or Not to Pay

The next question is whether or not to pay for extra benefits from such services, such as viewing the profiles of employers who clicked on your resume or shifting your resume to the top of the list of similar candidates. Actually, these advantages are rather doubtful and sound too commercial. I’ve never used them but had no trouble finding a truly good job online.

I would, however, highly recommend uploading your resume to one or more of the job search sites. It is absolutely free, consumes only seconds, and offers several obvious advantages. One of them is that they will then submit your resumes to potential employers using their sites.  While you could make no further effort until an employer of your dreams spots your resume and contacts you, you should be proactive in your search and job application process.

You Are Not Alone

Whereas the era of online job hunting offers a wide range of benefits, you should boost your online profile. Be sure to join if you have not done so yet and update your profile whenever you gain new skills or recommendations. Remember that you are not alone and make the most of your online and real-life contacts:

  • Contact career counseling services in your State and City, staffed by professionals at your college.
  • Ask your relatives, friends, and friends of friends to help you. Never be shy about letting everyone know that you’re searching for an entry-level job.
  • Use Facebook and Twitter to involve your online acquaintances. Make certain that your status updates are not too annoying.

These simple hints will definitely save your time in preparing a happy hunting ground for entry-level jobs. Good luck with your search!

Our Pick
The College Graduate Job Search Process Decoded

From building your college experience to the job search to landing a job, Career Coach Kristin Shopp helps the college student navigate the job search process and set themselves up for professional success. To the point yet filled with helpful tips and up to date knowledge of the college job market, this book is sure to give the job seeker a competitive edge.

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07/26/2024 07:27 pm GMT

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