Career Advice

4 Things to Consider Before Accepting a New Job

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Congratulations! You’ve applied for a job, nailed the interview, and now you have been offered the position. That’s great news, but now you need to consider whether you actually want to accept it or not.

Many people rush into a career change or a new job without giving adequate thought to why they want to move and whether it’s the perfect position for them. So, before signing on the dotted line, it’s worth taking the time to weigh up the pros and cons.

Here are 4 things to consider before accepting a new job.

Do the hours suit your lifestyle?

Finding hours that suit is especially important if you have young children, or your life could become a logistical nightmare. Before accepting any position, you must ensure that the hours suit your current responsibilities and lifestyle.

Depending on the position, you may need to exceed the suggested hours to enable you to fulfill your responsibilities, so you must bear this in mind.

Are you happy with the terms of the contract?

According to HKM Employment Attorneys in Phoenix, employment contracts are often rife with legal jargon and complex terms that sometimes are not even enforceable or valid if challenged. If you are struggling to understand particular elements of your contract, it is worth having an employment attorney look over it and give advice on any grey areas.

You should also check the salary, holiday entitlement, and notice period to ensure they are correct. Once you have signed the contract, it can be hard to renegotiate, so be sure to go through it all in detail until you are satisfied that you are happy with the contents.

Many people rush into a career change or a new job without giving adequate thought to why they want to move and whether it's the perfect position for them. So, before signing on the dotted line, it's worth taking the time to weigh up the pros and cons.Click To Tweet

Do you have access to childcare?

Unless you have a partner who takes care of the kids all day, childcare can be a nightmare to organize. So, unless you want to turn up to your first day with your offspring in tow, it’s something that needs sorting asap. If there are no private childcare providers available, it’s worth establishing whether there are any breakfast clubs and after-school clubs that can accommodate them.

Although family and friends may be able to help out, hiring a nanny or looking into taking on an au pair might also be a good shout.

Why are you leaving your existing position?

One of the things that many people fail to ask themselves is why they want to leave their current job. If it’s solely because of money and you would otherwise be staying where you are, have you considered asking your existing employer whether there is any scope for a pay rise? If you are leaving because you want additional responsibility, have you been told that there are no advancement opportunities within your current organization?

If you haven’t asked these questions, you should speak to your employer before handing in your notice. It may well be that they have the opportunities and finances to fulfill everything you require, and there may be no reason for you to change employment. Do your homework before leaving your present job, or you could live to regret it.

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