Career Advice

4 Industry Secrets That SEO Professionals Won’t Tell You

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Every online business wants to find a way to grow their search engine traffic and that means you will often be looking at using the services of an SEO professional to help you achieve that aim.

SEO tends to be one of those industries that are shrouded in mystery and if you are on the outside looking in, you might think that it is some sort of dark art that is beyond your comprehension.

The bottom line is that despite what some SEO professionals might tell you, it is not as technical or challenging as you might think. You just have to do all the right things well.

Knowing what those right things are might be a challenge. For instance, there is a world of difference between the best guest posting services around and one that is offering a pale imitation of what you really need to grow your traffic.

Here is a look at some industry insights that not every SEO professional wants you to know.


SEO is not as complicated as you might be led to believe

Some so-called SEO wizards might like to claim that they have a level of technical knowledge and insights that suggest they are the only ones capable of understanding how to get the best results.

At the end of the day, you don’t need a science degree or an intimate knowledge of Google’s algorithms.

Some technical knowledge can help. But no SEO has the ability to see inside Google’s brain and work out how to beat the system.

Understand the rules of engagement that are publicly available and you will achieve worthwhile results, even if you don’t have a science degree.

Is your SEO consultant setting you up for a fall?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using an SEO consultant to help you build links, but the way they go about it could end up doing you more harm than good.

If they are not building links in a way that boosts brand impressions or sends referral traffic, there is a distinct possibility you could lose all of these links and have to start over.

You don’t want to be involved with an SEO consultant who does not play by Google’s rules.

gone viral

Nobody has the inside track on going viral

Any SEO who tells you they know how viral marketing works and knows how to get that explosion in traffic every time is simply not giving you an accurate assessment of what they can do.

The bottom line is that nobody can predict with any accuracy what is going to go viral.

SEO should be a partnership

The bottom line is that despite what some SEO professionals might tell you, it is not as technical or challenging as you might think. You just have to do all the right things well.Click To Tweet

An SEO consultant may well have an established reputation in their field, but they are unlikely to also be an expert in your niche.

Successful SEO is all about working together and playing to your relative strengths.

If an SEO consultant is telling you that they don’t need your input, that should be cause for concern, as they really can’t boost your rankings without you.

If you are going to be working with an SEO consultant, how many of these points are relevant to the way they want to serve you?

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