Career Advice

3 Inspiring Career Opportunities For Ex-Military Personnel

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Being in the military teaches a whole host of life skills that are transferable to many sectors of society. If you have recently retired from active duty, you might be wondering what you should do next in your life. Being a veteran can be difficult as you try to readjust to life outside of the military. You are used to the camaraderie of your colleagues who have become your closest friends and a surrogate family. Leaving this behind can come as a culture shock. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot move forward with your life.

Now that you have left the military, you can consider what you want to do in the future. Sure, you may have a military pension but you still want to do something and build a new career. Looking to your future can be challenging, but focus on these three potential careers and you can start afresh as you move onto pastures new.

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Medical Profession

Before you look for a new career, think about the circumstances that led to you leaving the military. If you feel like you were forced to leave the military because of some sort of medical negligence, consider making an FTCA claim to investigate potential medical malpractice. While ironic, achieving a payout could then help you retrain for your own career within the medical profession. When in the military, you may have assisted in the recovery effort after natural disasters across the globe. This caring aspect and pastoral role within your previous life could be something that you wish to continue.

If you've recently retired from active duty, you might be wondering what you should do next in your life. Being a veteran can be difficult as you try to readjust to life outside of the military. This doesn’t mean that you cannot move forward with your life.Click To Tweet

Think about the sorts of roles that could suit you within the medical profession. If you are keen to take on a more skilled role, you could venture to medical school to qualify as a doctor. You can then specialize in pediatrics, orthopedics, or cardiology. If becoming a doctor is too challenging, think about nursing. This can tap into your more caring side. You won’t be on the cusp of diagnostics, but you will be on the front line helping patients and making them feel at ease and comfortable when they are at their most vulnerable.


As a leader within the military, you will have honed your people management skills. Being in charge of a group of individuals in highly pressurized environments will make you a prime candidate for a senior management role within a range of FTSE 100 companies. Many of these companies actually run recruitment drives to headhunt ex-military personnel. They appreciate their skill set and are eager to utilize their talents within their sector. You could find yourself working within banking even though you don’t have any direct financial experience. What you do have in drive, teamwork abilities, and resilience is what these companies are looking for. The technical and industry-specific skills can be taught.

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Start Your Own Business

Being in the military makes you tenacious and you will persevere through adversity. This is why you are the ideal person to start your own money-making venture. Coming from a military background means that you will understand setbacks and have the mindset to overcome them.

Consider what it is that you love, that enthuses you, and that inspires you. Try to turn this into something that can earn you a living. It doesn’t have to be military-related at all. Perhaps you have a penchant for interior design, you adore baking, or you enjoy creating custom made tee shirts. Whatever it is that you want to do with the rest of your life, try and make money from it.

Working for yourself is life-affirming and can prevent you from feeling frustrated should you work for somebody else that you don’t click with. Seek out opportunities for funding and create a business plan. Set aside some time and look into crowdfunding, set up an appointment with a bank manager, and look at angel investment opportunities. By presenting a business plan to investors detailing your financial forecasting for the future, your risk mitigation, and your gross and net profit figures, you could gain the money you need as well as the expertise and guidance that you are after.

Coming from a military background can be a real positive when you are looking to change careers and venture back into the jobs market. Companies will be chomping at the bit to meet you and you will have opportunities to begin your own money-making startup. Follow this guide and you can look to your future with an inspiring career on the horizon.

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